I feel like this is the perfect capture of the zeitgeist...
#zombiestyle #lyingflat #tangping
more screenshots from the idea https://medium.com/@climate_crisis_moderates/introduction-to-hours4climate-5371456ada93
esp if you are a person of privileges, middle class, think of yourself as respectable and responsible person, have secure job... why not? really?
#Climate #ClimateCrisis #activism #quietquitting #TangPing #biodiversityLoss #nature #hours4climate #work #jobs
#jobs #Climate #ClimateCrisis #activism #quietquitting #tangping #biodiversityloss #nature #hours4climate #work
La lune de la grande
démission, le doigt
de la valeur-travail
"Et si tout ce que nous nommons orgueilleusement le sens de la vie, le travail, s’avérait nuisible, comme on parlait d’espèces nuisibles ? " #greatresignation #QuietQuitting #hikikomori #tangping
#greatresignation #QuietQuitting #hikikomori #tangping
Tao Te Ching
Stephen Mitchell #translation
Ch. 20
Stop thinking, and end your problems.
What difference between yes and no?
What difference between success and failure?
Must you value what others value,
avoid what others avoid?
How ridiculous!
Other people are excited,
as though they were at a parade.
I alone don’t care,
I alone am expressionless,
like an infant before it can smile.
Other people have what they need;
I alone possess nothing.
I alone drift about,
like someone without a home.
I am like an idiot, my mind is so empty.
Other people are bright;
I alone am dark.
Other people are sharper;
I alone am dull.
Other people have a purpose;
I alone don’t know.
I drift like a wave on the ocean,
I blow as aimless as the wind.
I am different from ordinary people.
I drink from the Great Mother’s breasts.
#TTC #TaoTeChing #Tao #Taoist #Chinese #Philosophy
#LyingFlat #TangPing
#translation #ttc #taoteching #tao #taoist #chinese #philosophy #lyingflat #tangping
@SabinaKnight @bryankam @chineseliterature
I will definitely take you on that offer!
Of course, I need to listen again. Other duties probably distracted me, lol.
You start discussing #TangPing at15:30, and it's just a few seconds later.
I ask because I am only familiar with Tang ping from a Newsweek treetops level, but found the idea very compelling.
I agree that and #BuddhaChill are manifestations of them realizing the reality of the situation. What other ways do you think it manifests?
#GenY – #Leben statt #arbeiten: #Tangping, übersetzt #Flachliegen, ist ein Begriff, unter dem sich in #China immer mehr junge Erwachsene sammeln. Sie brechen aus einem System aus, das sie von Kindesbeinen an unter #Leistungsdruck stellt.
#geny #leben #arbeiten #tangping #flachliegen #China #leistungsdruck
Generation Y in China kündigt
- Leben statt arbeiten
China’s Slacker Youths: Why They Went From ‚Lying Flat’ To ‚Let It Rot’
„Tang Ping” (leżeć płasko) był ruchem z 2021 roku, który odrzucał kulturę pracy w Chinach. Teraz przemienił się w bardziej ekstremalny „Bai Lan” (pozwolić gnić). Co stoi za tym nowym zjawiskiem?
#ChRL #Chiny #społeczeństwo #subkultura #BaiLAn #摆烂 #TangPing #躺平 #film #dokument
#chiny #dokument #film #躺平 #tangping #摆烂 #bailan #subkultura #spoleczenstwo #ChRL
Un mouvement de critique du néolibéralisme émerge en Chine (hé oui ! La Chine est néoliberale).
Reading up on this whole Bai Lan movement in China is pretty interesting. It's basically people giving up on the system because it's so stacked against them that there's no point in trying.
I guess there's people in the West that think similarly, but I don't reckon it's been quite as thoroughly enshrined in thinking as it has been with young people in China.
Maybe the best way to bring a system down is to not participate.
#lyingflat #tangping #LetItRot #bailan
Speaking of #demographics: The one-child policy enforced by the #CCP for a long time has led to a society that is getting out of balance increasingly: Not enough young working people to support all the pensioners. And seen #China's shrinking #population, the housing bubble is here to stay. Add #tangping aka the #lyingflat movement to the mix, and the dream of continuous high #GDP growth rates becomes an illusion.
Keep in mind that economic growth legitimizes the regime in #Beijing.
#demographics #ccp #china #population #tangping #lyingflat #gdp #beijing
Questa filosofia del #tangping mi sembra molto intrigante... Lo stare sdraiati, almeno in certi tempi e luoghi, possiede ai miei occhi un valore molto positivo! #Cina https://ilmanifesto.it/i-giovani-cinesi-si-sdraiano-cosi-il-capitale-non-puo-sfruttarci/