I’m a big fan of Tank Ball of #TankandtheBangas, so was super excited that she is hosting this new #PBS series on #Ritual. Great first episode - learned a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyuHtFZo1Qw&t=1s
#tankandthebangas #pbs #ritual
My favorite music discoveries of 2022
#tankandthebangas #phoebebridgers #thenakedandfamous #nanaadoja #benjaminclementine #wetleg #hiromi
Dejo #música de la que guarda felicidad (o al menos hace creer que existe).
#musica #music #fusion #spokenword #funk #tankandthebangas
People of Mastaton! Witness! There are kids out there making amazing new music. Tank and the Bangas! https://youtu.be/L7NfvWpXOpU
Congratulations to #TankAndTheBangas for their Grammy nomination. Check out #RedBalloon 🎈It’s funky, it’s groovy, it’s delicious. 😋