this artistic swirl
across an ancient lake bed
each SUV
a stylish badge of freedom
smells like dead planet
#tankaThursday - late 😢
#poem #poetry #haiku #senryu #bonsaiku #bigOil #suv #BurningMan #vsspoem #vss365 #wrdz
#wrdz #vss365 #vsspoem #burningman #suv #bigoil #bonsaiku #senryu #haiku #poetry #poem #tankathursday
A new day begins
The sun on its journey
no ticket required
to enjoy the ride
don't forget your jacket!
Feeling blue,
I look up
to the moon
my teacher
in the ink-dark sky
River running
green as grass
thunder, lightning
rain on the river
#TankaThursday #river
green rivers in the cracks
a jungle
in every alley
everywhere, sun
and dandelions!
#TankaThursday #dandelion
if psychosis is
narcissistic neurosis
then today's zeitgeist
would clearly be neurotic
in the time of psychosis
#tanka #tankathursday #5lines #haiku #senryu #poem #smallpoems #poetry #poetrycommunity #writing #writingcommunity #craiyon
torrent of liquid
information pours into
my being, takes shape
of container, then trickles
from fingertips, mouth, and pores
#tanka #tankathursday #5lines #haiku #senryu #poem #smallpoems #poetry #poetrycommunity #writing #writingcommunity #craiyon
All I know about love is this,
love doesn't stop
there is only more and more
the sky at sunrise
a flower unfolding
groundwork for Lego
skyline done with Tonka Trucks
a prolific build
then shenanigans began
forclosure made people cry
#HaikuChallenge 7/20 #Prolific
#skyline #TankaThursday #tanka
#vss365 #shenanigans
#HaikuQuest #cry #prompts #craiyon
#haikuchallenge #prolific #skyline #tankathursday #tanka #vss365 #shenanigans #haikuquest #cry #prompts #craiyon
We took the tour boat
along the lake shore---
the city skyline
as the sun set,
everyone taking pictures
#TankaThursday #skyline
Across the bridge
they wait for us
everyone we love
the mist clears,
and they are waving
#TankaThursday #bridge
A haiku a day?
Erroring out the geezer stream
of consciousness way.
Still wordy rambles need to
take a weekend off to play
#tankathursday #weekend #tanka #haiku #craiyon
A weekend away
the cats will play
and one will hide
in the basement ceiling
elusive as smoke
#TankaThursday #weekend
humid, but cooler.
air, heavy on my shoulders,
grass, thick at my feet,
fraggy shardments of sun-fade…
I have never travelled light.
#TankaThursday (a bit late!) #tanka #poetry #SmallPoems
#tankathursday #tanka #poetry #smallpoems
a hand print
on a cave wall
I was here
a footprint
in the grass
Shall I brave the rain
let fat drops sodden my clothes
plaster hair to scalp
let thunder vibrate my bones
raise damp earth's scent?
Not today
#haiku #MicroPoetry #SmallPoems #poems #poetry
#TankaThursday #MayTanka #NaPoTankaMo 25
#tanka #haiku #micropoetry #smallpoems #poems #poetry #tankathursday #maytanka #napotankamo
My brave throat was in
it's xeric era of days.
Dappled with dearth drops
of precious body fluids.
"One more for the ditch I croaked"
25 - brave
#vss365 Dappled
#HaikuChallenge 5/25- Xeric
#tankathursday #tanka #natankamo #maytanka #vss365 #haikuchallenge #prompts #senryu #haiku #micropoetry #craiyon
solitude of 3 am---
even my demons are dreaming
my thoughts turn to poetry
and passing clouds
the waning moon for company
#TankaThursday #solitude
soggy solitude.
waterproofs absorb deluge,
sponged, not washed away.
bog water soaks through both boots,
sleet hits, horizontally.
#tankathursday #tanka #smallpoems #poetry
soggy solitude.
waterproofs absorb deluge,
sponged, not washed away.
bog water soaks through both boots,
sleet hits, horizontally.
#tankathursday #tanka #smallpoems #poetry