Alex Akers · @a2
1291 followers · 487 posts · Server

@xAD If the you're not paying for something, it tends to be that *you* are the product. 🤔


Last updated 1 year ago

Brian Thomson · @bnt
13 followers · 153 posts · Server

@davey_cakes maybe, but if you understand the principle ..?


Last updated 2 years ago

Deb Wolfe · @debwolfe
46 followers · 98 posts · Server

"Refrain from using large appliances like your washer, dryer, oven, and dishwasher for the next few days. When in use, limit opening the oven door to prevent wasted energy."

I have a 6 lb prime rib to roast on Sunday, Atmos. We can do it outside on our Big Green Egg, which will require opening doors multiple times, or I can do it in the oven inside, where all the waste heat will take a bit of the load off our furnace. I'm going with the latter.


Last updated 2 years ago

Greytail · @greytail
13 followers · 24 posts · Server

While energy from the sun, wind, tides and gravity () are available reliably, they are not (Relating to or being a commodity or resource, such as or energy, that is inexhaustible or replaceable by new growth.). The technology needed to capture that energy and move it to its place of use requires finite resources, all of which require destruction of natural habitats for mining, construction, installation, maintenance, and recycling or disposal.

#tanstaafl #hydro #renewables #solar #wind

Last updated 2 years ago

:mstdn_io: Porfirio · @Porfirio
32 followers · 1165 posts · Server

Verriete man mir, wo es die gibt, würde ich so einen ja mal probieren.

Sicher eine hohe Pharmabelastung, aber . Und kann man auch als moralische Verpflichtung auffassen. Wer wollte sich da vor adeligem Gammelfleisch drücken!?

#reichsburger #tanstaafl #eattherich

Last updated 2 years ago

Alexander Hamizdat 🌹 · @alexhammy209
320 followers · 991 posts · Server

I just noticed the kid forgot his lunch pail when he went to school.

Fortunately, in California schools we have a strict "Don't Say " policy.


Last updated 2 years ago

Blog Oklahoma ✨ · @blogoklahoma
195 followers · 2793 posts · Server

@BalooUriza no such thing as unlimited on commercial internet.


Last updated 2 years ago

159 followers · 1553 posts · Server
Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2083 followers · 14674 posts · Server

@babelcarp Here's the thing: PAYMENTS COST MONEY.

That is, there is a cost to implementing, instituting, operating, and maintaining a payment system. And it is startlingly high.

You're better off paying the bulk rate. You are already paying that bulk rate through the existing advertising-based media system, and it is more than sufficient to cover the entire publishing industry's present income, probably several times over.

There's a similar issue in sales. The cost of sales, that is, the expense of supporting a salesperson and operation is often 50% of all revenues. I'd become aware of this through New Relic, which pioneered a very low-touch sales track (effectively: free for a minimal implementation, and automated zero-touch upsell subscription basis for most small/medium businesses, with enterprise sales having a formal sales operation). NR still ultimately reported fairly industry-standard cost-of-sales numbers after going public.

With micropayments, there's the processor's cut, again tends to run high: Google Play's standard cut is 30% (15% on the first $1m in revenues), Apple Store tends to run similarly.

With subscriptions or bundled payments ... the individual accounting falls away, and billings are simply periodic and tranched by service level (with usage-based billing for large accounts, though often at highly-discounted rates).

To mangle a tired old phrase: There's no such thing as a free lunch-payment system.


#tanstaafl #TANSTAAFLPS

Last updated 2 years ago

Fossil 🇵🇭 · @fossil
67 followers · 1253 posts · Server

@blacklight @Mehrad @Bubu

"These are all things that you must take into account if you're a company that hosts open-source code."

No. No. A thousand times no.

Those are the things that you must take into account before choosing a company to host your code.

A for-profit company has absolutely zero obligation to people that are not paying it anything.

If you want your code to survive forever, pay for hosting.


Last updated 2 years ago

Fossil 🇵🇭 · @fossil
67 followers · 1253 posts · Server

FOSSholes are so entitled.

As soon as Gitlab talks about trying to make a buck from dormant repos, they go all "sacred duty to preserve info".

Gitlab then u-turns and they're still not happy.

How do you think companies make money? By charging for things. Pony up, tightwads. You get what you pay for.

#tanstaafl #gitlab #FOSS

Last updated 2 years ago

n8chz · @n8chz
337 followers · 1938 posts · Server

@pixouls @feoh True story here, once at a used book store I picked up a paperback copy of "Time Enough for Love" in which there was a cigarette ad as a 2 page insert and iirc maybe a couple other ads various places in the book. I tried to gently detatch it from the binding, carefully unthreading the stitching etc. Never really understood the mechanics of it, but at some point in the process the book literally disintegrated into individual pages. , indeed!


Last updated 2 years ago

n8chz · @n8chz
337 followers · 1938 posts · Server

@david If the dr appt interface weren't monetized, the dr appt would be even more expensive


Last updated 3 years ago

Esteban · @etienne_taupin
21 followers · 523 posts · Server

La messagerie instantanée est gratuite et nous savons que "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch" ( )

En 2019, le siège passe de la Suisse à New York en même temps que l'évolution des conditions générales d'utilisation ( ).

Comment une entreprise basée à New-York peut elle vivre si ses services sont gratuits ? ( ).

Cette décision entretien la question du modèle économique à long terme.

Quelqu'un aurait il une piste de réflexion ?

#commeparmagie #commeparhasard #tanstaafl #wire

Last updated 3 years ago

Esteban · @etienne_taupin
21 followers · 523 posts · Server

"Une annonce sur le blog de est venue nous apprendre qu'ils sont en train d'intégrer à cette application de messagerie un système de paiement, basé sur une crypto-monnaie du nom de MobileCoin."

Cette décision entretien la question du financement à long terme d'un service informatique.

TANSTAAFL: « There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch » aka « il n'y a pas de chose telle qu'un repas gratuit ».
Milton Friedman

Signal envoie des signaux inquiétants

#tanstaafl #signal

Last updated 3 years ago

Gemma Hentsch · @gemma
19 followers · 538 posts · Server
Mark E. Jeftovic · @stuntpope
5827 followers · 1083 posts · Server

First they drink the kool-aid
Then they promise a New Paradigm
Then some suckers vote it in
Then a smoking crater
Then they’ll blame runaway free markets

Then they try again.

First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you.
Then they compare you to a unicorn pooping.
Then you win.

(Hat tip, @videotroph)

#learnmmt #tanstaafl

Last updated 6 years ago