React Queryはデータフェッチライブラリではない。非同期の状態管理ライブラリだ。
#TypeScript #React #reactQuery #TanStackQuery
#typescript #react #reactquery #tanstackquery
I've often thought #tRPC seems cool, but I can't use it because my backend is in #golang.
My favorite thing about #graphql is having shared types between the client and server, but the complexity of using it (especially in go) is high.
I just watched @dimitropoulos talk at #JSWorld about using #protobuf and #gRPC on the web using and I'm pretty intrigued. Guarantees on the shape of my data? JSON serialization? Generated #TanstackQuery clients? Yes, please.
#tRPC #golang #graphql #jsworld #protobuf #grpc #tanstackquery