Odenplan is the debut album by duo MOODD+Speak, featuring the results of a year of improvising and recording together in a small rehearsal space. All music is created and improvised in the moment.
Find it on or any and all music streaming service you can think of.
#music #album #newmusic #moodd #speak #looping #livelooping #ambient #tapeloop #modular #modularsynth #bandcamp
#bandcamp #modularsynth #modular #tapeloop #ambient #livelooping #looping #speak #moodd #newmusic #album #music
Despite being something of a newcomer to the use of tape loops in ambient music, Gareth Quinn Redmond has wasted no time in becoming something of a black belt in slicing dicing & reassembling his multi-instrumental recordings into ferric distressed, pitch warped ambient frankensteins where the sublime sounds are only enhanced by the sonic stitching. Another winner from WRWTFWW.
Slow Ambient Playlist:
#ambient #tape #tapeloop #dublin
Bonjour à tou-te-s,
Ce dimanche 26 mars, #concert de :
* Gildas Bouchaud (
* Leoni Leoni (
* Todesangst Ausstehen (
à partir de 15h
à #labaleine
35 rue du cosquer
au plaisir de vous y voir,
bien à vous!
#concert #prixlibre #labaleine #quimper #musiqueexperimentale #experimentalmusic #tapeloop
A friend passed this old Sony cassette player/recorder to me. It's in perfect shape, and it has some nice extras, like double speed, variable speed, and reverse. It'll be fun with some tape loops. (For those playing along at home, it’s the Sony TCM-500DV.)
#cassette #cassettes #tapeloop #tapeloops
A Tape Loop Echo you Can Build #MusicalHacks #cassettetape #tapeloop #audio
#musicalhacks #cassettetape #tapeloop #audio
A Tape Loop Echo you Can Build - Echo and reverb are now electronic audio effects done in a computer or an integrat... - #musicalhacks #cassettetape #tapeloop #audio
#audio #tapeloop #cassettetape #musicalhacks
TAPE LOOP from Inner Ocean a MaxforLive Tape Cassette Instrument for Ableton
#plugin #maxforlive #ableton #tapeloop #musicproduction
One of my fave albums to chill out to. #IanWilliamCraig #ambient #TapeLoop #soundscape #NowPlaying
#nowplaying #soundscape #tapeloop #ambient #ianwilliamcraig
My pockets aren’t deep enough to bid on this, I don’t have the space, or the time to digitise all these tapes, but oh my god I want them!
Playing with #soundonsound recording using a #cassette #tapeloop
#soundonsound #cassette #tapeloop #tape #cassettetape #lofi #Marantz
I think I’ve finally worked out how to post videos. All down to size allowed on your specific server, I think. So here’s a lower res shorter clip. Fingers crossed…
#korg #reeltoreel #soundtoys #synth #freeplugins #vstplugins #lofi #tapeloop #ambient #downtempo #music
#Music #downtempo #ambient #tapeloop #lofi #vstplugins #FreePlugins #synth #Soundtoys #reeltoreel #korg
I think I’ve finally worked out how to post videos. All down to size allowed on your specific server, I think. So here’s a lower res shorter clip. Fingers crossed…
#korg #reeltoreel #soundtoys #synth #freeplugins #vstplugins #lofi #tapeloop #ambient #downtempo #music
#Music #downtempo #ambient #tapeloop #lofi #vstplugins #FreePlugins #synth #Soundtoys #reeltoreel #korg
Finally found some time to muck about in the studio again. Great to get the reel-to-reel out and looping some lo-fi loops. Lots of new plugins to play with as well thanks to black Friday deals! Loving the MicroKorg and Echoboy.
Can’t seem to post videos here. Maybe they’re too big for the server. So, here’s a link to Instagram…
#korg #reeltoreel #soundtoys #musiciansofinstagram #synth #freeplugins #vstplugins #lofi #tapeloop #ambient #downtempo #music
#Music #downtempo #ambient #tapeloop #lofi #vstplugins #FreePlugins #synth #musiciansofinstagram #Soundtoys #reeltoreel #korg
Finally found some time to muck about in the studio again. Great to get the reel-to-reel out and looping some lo-fi loops. Lots of new plugins to play with as well thanks to black Friday deals! Loving the MicroKorg and Echoboy.
Can’t seem to post videos here. Maybe they’re too big for the server. So, here’s a link to Instagram…
#korg #reeltoreel #soundtoys #musiciansofinstagram #synth #freeplugins #vstplugins #lofi #tapeloop #ambient #downtempo #music
#Music #downtempo #ambient #tapeloop #lofi #vstplugins #FreePlugins #synth #musiciansofinstagram #Soundtoys #reeltoreel #korg
👋 to my good friend @straywool
A super creative person who, amongst other things, makes minimal ambient music with layers of piano, tape loops, field recs and noise
Here’s a recent release on Fallow, chill for your Friday x
#ambient #AmbientMusic #tapeloop #tape #drone #piano #fieldrecording #ciatlonbarde
#ciatlonbarde #fieldrecording #piano #drone #tape #tapeloop #ambientmusic #ambient
going old school. Tandberg
#musicmakers #TapeLoop #musichardware #recording #synthrock
#musicmakers #tapeloop #musichardware #recording #synthrock
Lovely new LP out today from The Humble Bee on Dauw
Longform piano, tape loop and field recording compositions - beautiful as always from one of my favourite artists
#piano #tapeloop #longform #ambient #ambientmusic #thehumblebee #dauw #experimentalmusic #modernclassical
#modernclassical #experimentalmusic #dauw #thehumblebee #ambientmusic #ambient #longform #tapeloop #piano
In case you didn't know, 23 November is Delia Derbyshire Day.
#Vintage #Electronic #TapeLoop #Pioneer
More info here:
#vintage #electronic #tapeloop #pioneer
Pour celles et ceux qui aiment #Kafka et les #tapeloop
Wer schon immer wissen wollte, wie der typische Schaffensprozess von #Stockhausen (für Leute neu hier: er gilt mit als DER Pionier experimenteller elektronischer Musik) mit all seinen der Zeit (50er) geschuldeten extrem limitierten Mitteln war:
Hainbach, der Typ aus Berlin, der mit ausgedienten Apparaturen aus Atomkraftwerken und Strahlungsmedizin Musik macht, hat das in einem Vortrag mal nachgestellt. Sein Equipment dabei (soweit ich das verstehe):
Ein einsamer #Sinusgenerator
Ein nicht minder einsamer Pulsgenerator
Ein FilterEin Echogerät
Eine Bandmaschine
Für letztere geht die meiste Zeit drauf, weil Hainbach dafür live die Tapes splicen muss, aber im Livestress extra lange braucht.
Heraus kommt eine 10m #Tapeloop, die zum Teil vom Publikum gehalten werden muss 😂, wobei das aber auch ein typisches Hainbach- Ding ist - das Tapemedium. Trotz einiger Längen sehr sehenswert und in für Deutsche gut verständlichem English ;)
#tapeloop #Sinusgenerator #stockhausen #musik