Commission for who lives up to their namesake in being one horny frog, horny for other frogs. Caspar was happy to partake in the gay frog activities that he desired.
#male #malemale #frog #amphibian #caspar #hornyfroggo #froggohorny #nsfw #gay #sex #anal #sizedifference #dick #tapered #commission
#male #malemale #frog #amphibian #caspar #hornyfroggo #froggohorny #nsfw #gay #sex #anal #sizedifference #dick #tapered #commission
A VERY hot wander around #ParcSlip #Nature reserve today, plenty of #Insects to photograph, so here's a few... A #FourSpottedChaser #Dragonfly, A #CommonCarder #Bee, A #Tapered #DroneFly and an #Azure #DamselFly
#naturephotography #damselfly #azure #dronefly #tapered #bee #commoncarder #dragonfly #fourspottedchaser #insects #nature #parcslip
• Antidepressants should be #tapered through a proportionate reduction regime. This should take place at least over months.
• GPs should educate patients on withdrawal
and the importance of not stopping their
#antidepressant abruptly.
• For those who experience withdrawal, GPs
should reduce tapering rate, and increase
duration while advising on coping strategies.