01 Net: Tap to Pay, la fonction d’Apple qui transforme les iPhone en terminaux de paiement, se rapproche de la France https://www.01net.com/actualites/tap-to-pay-la-fonction-dapple-qui-transforme-les-iphone-en-terminaux-de-paiement-se-rapproche-de-la-france.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Smartphones #ApplePay #TaptoPay #Apple
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #smartphones #applepay #taptopay #apple
Why do people still insert their CC into a terminal when tap to pay exists??? Especially now that most cards let you tap & you don’t even have to have set up Apple Pay.
Apple 推動台灣商家以「iPhone 卡緊收」快速感應收款
要贏過 Line Pay 或 街口支付,這場硬戰有得打!!
#Apple #iPhone卡緊收 #TapToPay
Dear tourists: #Japan is not impressed with your fancy platinum, titanium, or #vibranium metal credit cards... well, at least *this particular store isn't. 🤣
I have one but never use it since #GooglePay on my phone and #Suica / #GarminPay (smartwatch) are way faster. #TapToPay
#japan #vibranium #googlepay #suica #garminpay #taptopay
Dear tourists: #Japan is not impressed with your fancy platinum, titanium, or #vibranium metal credit cards... well, at least *this particular store isn't. 🤣
I have one but never use it since #GooglePay on my phone and #Suica / #GarminPay (watch) are way faster. #TapToPay
#japan #vibranium #googlepay #suica #garminpay #taptopay
Proud of the MagicCube, Inc. team, the ONLY independent #SoftPos vendor sitting at the #PCI board of advisors, proud of our already deployed #TapToPay with #PIN solution, and delighted to see the long awaited #MPoC standard for payment #acceptance on #COTS come out! https://blog.pcisecuritystandards.org/just-published-pci-mobile-payments-on-cots
#softpos #PCI #taptopay #pin #mpoc #acceptance #cots
書きました! / Apple、Tap to Pay をリリース。Apple Pay 経由であれば、仮想通貨支払いに実質対応か - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#Apple #TapToPay #ApplePay #Release #Bitcoin
#bitcoin #release #applepay #taptopay #apple
Tap to Pay: Das iPhone wird zum kontaktlosen Bezahlterminal https://www.computerbase.de/2022-02/tap-to-pay-das-iphone-wird-zum-kontaktlosen-bezahlterminal/ #Apple #TapToPay #iPhone
Tap to Pay: Das iPhone wird zum kontaktlosen Bezahlterminal https://www.computerbase.de/2022-02/tap-to-pay-das-iphone-wird-zum-kontaktlosen-bezahlterminal/ #Apple #TapToPay #iPhone