Interview: Tarah Who?
Prior to her opening slot for Wednesday 13 on the recent tour, we managed a chat with not just Tarah herself but her two bandmates. Audio only for this one! Photos courtesy of Shaun Hulme.
Tara Who?: official | facebook | twitter | instagram | soundcloud | youtube
Gig Review: Wednesday 13 / South of Salem / Sick n’ Beautiful / Tarah Who? – Cathouse, Glasgow (10th April 2023)
Oof, there's a lot to cover in this review. Initially an impressive three-band lineup, we ended up with four entertaining acts with the addition of
#GigReviews #SickN'Beautiful #SouthofSalem #TarahWho? #Wednesday13
#wednesday13 #tarahwho #southofsalem #sickn #GigReviews
Has anybody seen Life Of Agony on „30 Years Of River Runs Red Tour“ yet?
I am going to see them tomorrow in Hamburg together with the fabulous Prong and a Girl-Band called Tarah Who? and yes, I am really excited and can’t wait to see two of my favourite bands live again … 😆😃🔥
#lifeofagony #riverrunsred #prong #tarahwho #metalhead #loa #livegig #gruenspan #hamburg
#hamburg #gruenspan #livegig #loa #metalhead #tarahwho #prong #riverrunsred #lifeofagony