🥥 I've seen #Bunnies, #Racoons, #Capybaras, and other critter-every-hour accounts on the #Fediverse.
Who do I need to talk to for #Tardigrade and #Quokka every hour? 🥥
#quokka #tardigrade #Fediverse #Capybaras #racoons #bunnies
@lacouvee #FluorescenceFriday for pretty microscope pictures, if you're into that.
#fensterfreitag (german-speaking, but pictures of windows or views out of them should be pretty universal)
#caturday (cat pictures, just in case you need more of those)
There also is #TardigradeTuesday which doesn't have any content, but I wish it would. Hey #Tardigrade folks, this is your time to shine!
#fluorescenceFriday #Fensterfreitag #caturday #tardigradetuesday #tardigrade
🥥 Eye call foul.
#USPS includes a closeup of Skittles, but didn't think to include a single #Tardigrade photo in this new set of "Life Magnified" forever stamps! </SarcasmFont> 🥥
Been wanting to make a Terran Tardigrades sports shirt for a while.
All artist's proceeds go to Oceana, a non-profit focused on influencing policy decisions that protect the Earth's oceans.
My child was absolutely outraged at this #tardigrade plushie being labelled an “ugly #capybara” on Amazon.
Gizmodo: New Theory Suggests Hardy Tardigrades Evolved From Ancient Worms https://gizmodo.com/new-theory-tardigrades-evolved-ancient-worms-1850610654 #burgessshalefossils #cambrianexplosion #anomalocaridids #psychrophiles #cambroraster #thermophiles #hallucigenia #titanokorys #tardigrade #joemoysiuk #jihoonkihm #xerophiles #lobopodia #cambrian #moss
#burgessshalefossils #cambrianexplosion #anomalocaridids #psychrophiles #cambroraster #thermophiles #hallucigenia #titanokorys #tardigrade #joemoysiuk #jihoonkihm #xerophiles #lobopodia #cambrian #moss
For funsies here's a doodle of Lt. Tardigrade dressed as Star Trek's Khan, driving a Toyota Tercel with a shark strapped to the roof (stalwart copilot).
This had context back in the day but it's best appreciated now without.
#StarTrek #StarTrekOnline #Toyota #Tardigrade #Tardigrades #Sharks #Doodle
#startrek #StarTrekOnline #toyota #tardigrade #tardigrades #sharks #doodle
Tardigrades are so cool.
Augmented I don't know how many times, at Ars Electronica Linz
#Tardigrade #MicroscopicPhotography #MrMoose #MrMooseAdventures #MrMoose2023 #MrMooseDoesAustria
#tardigrade #microscopicphotography #mrmoose #mrmooseadventures #mrmoose2023 #mrmoosedoesaustria
I look out from the storytelling stage in Veszprém, and BOOM, tardigrade in the audience.
#storytelling #veszprem #hungary #art #tardigrade
Also made a new Tardigrade doodle to celebrate Star Trek Online's new consoles.
Lt. Tardigrade thinks his is the best. It makes toast.
#StarTrekOnline #Tardigrade #Tardigrades #Doodle #StarTrek
#StarTrekOnline #tardigrade #tardigrades #doodle #startrek
Scientists Put #Tardigrade #DNA Into Human Stem Cells. They May Create #SuperSoldiers. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/animals/a43509580/tardigrade-dna-human-stem-cells-super-soldiers/
#tardigrade #dna #supersoldiers
Amazing picture of a millimetre-long tardigrade on a strand of moss on Nasa's astronomy picture of the day.
#apod #NASA #tardigrade #Mosstodon
What could possibly go wrong?
"Scientists Put Tardigrade DNA Into Human Stem Cells. They May Create Super Soldiers.
In a report first published in Chinese in Military Medical Sciences and reported by South China Morning Post, researchers from the Academy of Military Sciences in Beijing say they believe inserting a gene from the microscopic water bear into a human embryonic stem can help significantly increase the cells’ ability to withstand radiation. And they have some data to back it up.
“[Researchers] said success in this unprecedented experiment could lead to super-tough soldiers who could survive nuclear fallout,” SCMP reports."
#science #Genetics #MolecularBiology #Biology #radiation #Tardigrade
#Science #genetics #molecularbiology #biology #radiation #tardigrade
Expected to be one of final forms of life on Earth when the sun begins to dim in ~5 billion years.
One of the #tardigrade’s key survival skills, anhydrobiosis!
World's toughest animal could one day help save your life
Say hello to my little friend - the ultra-tough, super tiny, terribly cute Tardigrade!
#TooToughToDie #tardigrade
Chouette découverte et premières images d’un couloir dans la grande pyramide de Khéops. 😁 🎥
Le projet #ScanPyramids avait déjà montré en 2015 l'existence de cette chambre pas encore explorée.
#Pyramid #Histoire #archeodon #archéologie #ÉgypteAncienne #Égypte #egyptologie #Tardigrade
#tardigrade #egyptologie #egypte #Egypteancienne #archeologie #archeodon #histoire #pyramid #scanpyramids