@blake Legislation is one possibility but in practice only the Fed can solve it. Looks like they're going to try.
https://www.ft.com/content/dcc83529-5659-4d96-8ddf-83351b060e18 (https://archive.is/qsBXx)
If they're lucky, with #FedNow they can replicate the #ECB's role in building #SEPA, most recently with #TARGET2's #TIPS.
#fednow #ecb #sepa #target2 #tips
Er wiederholt es schon wieder, hat er auch eine Quelle? So bleibe ich dabei, die Bundesbank verdient nichts mit #Target2...
RT @Schuldensuehner
Good Morning from Germany where Target2 claims of Bundesbank on the rest of the Eurosystem hit fresh ATH in Dec at €1.27tn following hawkish ECB. Claims have risen by €35bn in Dec. Target2 claims will earn interest after ECB hikes. Will prevent Bundesbank from making losses.
Ich bin #neuhier
Und las den Tipp, hier die Lieblingsthemen zu hashtaggen, um Gleichgesinnte zu finden. Nun denn:
#musicproduction #Musikmachen #homerecording #piano #keyboard #synthesizer #camping #Christ #Kirchenmusik #bike2work #mdRzA #Wortspiel #zahlungsverkehr #target2
Bestimmt fällt mir irgendwann noch mehr ein.
#keyboard #kirchenmusik #zahlungsverkehr #target2 #wortspiel #neuhier #musicproduction #musikmachen #homerecording #piano #synthesizer #camping #christ #bike2work #mdrza
RT @bundesbank: New #discussionpaper by Bundesbank #researchcenter: Determinants of TARGET2 #transactions of European #banks based on micro-data https://www.bundesbank.de/dp-en/2022-40 #target #target2 #banking
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/burkhardbalz/status/1584807815910084608
#discussionpaper #researchcenter #transactions #Banks #target #target2 #banking
RT @bundesbank: New #discussionpaper by Bundesbank #researchcenter: The effects of sanctions on Russian banks in TARGET2 transactions data https://www.bundesbank.de/dp-en/2022-38 @TUDarmstadt @CESifoNetwork #sanctions #ukraine #target2
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/burkhardbalz/status/1577593575617236992
#discussionpaper #researchcenter #sanctions #Ukraine #target2
RT @JDrake45902915
#Eurosysteme #Euro #Target2
Eurosystème : Target 2
C’est beau la convergence par l’#Euro
Pourrait-on réellement faire une figure plus parfaite ?