Minister of justice Leena Meri (BF) tells Iltalehti that the government will not set a law against online targeting and harassment.
unsurprisingly since thats is the main tool in the racist nazi Basic Finn trick box. #naziJokeFinland #naziJokeGovernment #BasicFinn #nazis #targetedHarassment #politicsFI #politics #finland #harassmentCampaign
#nazijokefinland #nazijokegovernment #basicfinn #nazis #targetedharassment #politicsfi #politics #finland #harassmentcampaign
I CANNOT let these trolls ruin our life the MONTH before we end up housed after years of homelessness.
They are aggressively harassing my family, friends, and ANYONE that helps or interacts with us on Twitter, and have been attempting to dox us for months now.
They don't care that we're actively escaping and avoiding abusers, that we're trans, chronically ill, disabled, and autistic.
And they know Nothing about DID so keep accusing me of weird shit because of it... 🙄
They would rather us die than receive the help we need to survive.
They have made that VERY clear, but they are not going to win because I will NEVER stop fighting for my family's safety and our right to exist and receive the care we so desperately need. 😤
#Harassers #Harassment #TargetedHarassment #Queer #EscapingAbuse #CPTSD #Unhoused #Trans #Nonbinary #Scared #Determined #LongCovid #Plurality #DID #PluralGang #OSDD
#harassers #harassment #targetedharassment #queer #EscapingAbuse #cptsd #unhoused #trans #nonbinary #scared #determined #LongCovid #plurality #did #pluralgang #osdd
@caseynewton I know, I literally read that (albeit via #BBC) today, because I went to #Birdsite to pick up messages from my #Madagascar community (they are NOT ready to move from #Twitter, they just arrived!).
It made me feel sick to my stomach. I knew it had become a cesspit, but laughing outloud at #disability, spreading #targetedharassment & #disinformation used to be an offence that would get your account shut down. Now it gets you to the top. #ElonMusk.
#bbc #birdsite #madagascar #twitter #disability #targetedharassment #disinformation #elonmusk
Global News BC: East Vancouver family says vehicles targeted, 11 tires slashed since October #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #EastVancouvertiresslashed #VancouverPoliceDepartment #EastVancouverfamily #Targetedharassment #vancouverpolice #EastVancouver #Harrassment #Vancouver #BCcrime #Crime #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #eastvancouvertiresslashed #VancouverPoliceDepartment #eastvancouverfamily #targetedharassment #vancouverpolice #EastVancouver #harrassment #Vancouver #BCcrime #crime #BC