Today is Setting Orange, the 36th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3189
Our Discordian #Tarot Reading:
True : Onomatopoeia of Prickles - A moment of thud
False : Zip of Sweets - A lack of Taste, Water, Pleasure
Meaningless : 3 of Sweets - Imbalance of Taste, Water, Pleasure
Seek : 2 of Prickles - Shared Touch, Earth, Conformity
Avoid : The Initiate - One who does not know, and seeks
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#Tarot card of evening: Six of Wands. Your hard work will get you some appreciation in due time. Keep going, keep working. Take pride in doing good work and delivering strong.
Deck used: Raven's Prophecy Tarot.
#RavensProphecyTarot #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch
#witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #ravensprophecytarot #tarot
2023/09/12 極私的運勢
総合評価 ペンタクルのクイーン逆位置
アドバイス カップのペイジ逆位置
#タロット #タロット占い #タロット日記 #タロットカード #タロットデッキ #タロットリーディング #占い #tarot #tarotcard #tarotdeck #tarotreads #tarotreading #TarotCardArt #cardoftheday
#cardoftheday #TarotCardArt #tarotreading #tarotreads #tarotdeck #tarotcard #tarot #占い #タロットリーディング #タロットデッキ #タロットカード #タロット日記 #タロット占い #タロット
I was talking to a grade school teacher the other day who, in the course of very casually said, “I was reading your #Tarot book (referring to A Guide to Tarot Card Readings) on my break the other day, and it made me think about…”
I'm still on a high from that moment. One of the best things about being an #author is experiencing the unique hospitality involved in having my words be invited into other people's heads.
#tarot #author #writingcommunity #amwriting
to the #tarot peeps - you know about queens of fate, yes? a solitaire game with great potential to build out into a narrative solo rpg!
i've never actually had the patience to play it out in "story mode", usually i switch to the bare bones mechanics of playing, but i'd love to complete a "story run" one day! i don't think it takes the 20mins the creator suggests in the instructions... what if you, like, wrote down each pulled card and how it progressed the story? seeing as each card is a "year"..? 🤔 could make for a very involved deck-bonding experience 💕
Today is Prickle-Prickle, the 35th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3189
Our Discordian #Tarot Reading:
True : Day of Booms - Boomtime - The hectic morning, or the starting work of something
False : Day of Pungents - Pungenday - The noon meditation or the central point of a task or project.
Meaningless : The Sacred Cow - A Sacred Cow
Seek : Discordian Deck - This desk, or self referentialism
Avoid : 2 of Pungents - Shared Smell, Aether, Intensity
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Hey #tarot people, do you have a The World you love from a deck? One that you just feel when you see it? Show me? I went through all my decks today and there are so many cards that I feel in my chest when I see them, but I don't have a World that does it and it's such an important card.
#78ChangingSeasons #Tarot challenge. A card and prompt every 3rd day in September.
Sept. 10:
Prompt: What advice do I need to listen to at this moment?
Card: The Magician-I.
Deck: Santa Muerte Tarot.
#SantaMuerteTarot #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch #SantaMuerte
#santamuerte #witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #SantaMuerteTarot #tarot #78changingseasons
2023/09/11 極私的運勢
総合評価 正義逆位置
アドバイス ワンドの10逆位置
#タロット #タロット占い #タロット日記 #タロットカード #タロットデッキ #タロットリーディング #占い #tarot #tarotcard #tarotdeck #tarotreads #tarotreading #TarotCardArt #cardoftheday
#cardoftheday #TarotCardArt #tarotreading #tarotreads #tarotdeck #tarotcard #tarot #占い #タロットリーディング #タロットデッキ #タロットカード #タロット日記 #タロット占い #タロット
Today is Pungenday, the 34th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3189
Our Discordian #Tarot Reading:
True : The Golden Apple - Eristic forces
False : The Pentagon - Aneristic Forces
Meaningless : Apostle of Prickles - Someone who embodies Touch, Earth, Conformity
Seek : Cow of Pungents - Someone in the midst of, but not affected by Smell, Aether, Intensity
Avoid : Onomatopoeia of Pungents - A moment of O
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2023/09/10 極私的運勢
総合評価 ペンタクルのクイーン正位置
アドバイス ソードの5逆位置
#タロット #タロット占い #タロット日記 #タロットカード #タロットデッキ #タロットリーディング #占い #tarot #tarotcard #tarotdeck #tarotreads #tarotreading #TarotCardArt #cardoftheday
#cardoftheday #TarotCardArt #tarotreading #tarotreads #tarotdeck #tarotcard #tarot #占い #タロットリーディング #タロットデッキ #タロットカード #タロット日記 #タロット占い #タロット
2023/09/09 極私的運勢(土曜日は遅くなる)
総合評価 カップの8逆位置
アドバイス 月逆位置
#タロット #タロット占い #タロット日記 #タロットカード #タロットデッキ #タロットリーディング #占い #tarot #tarotcard #tarotdeck #tarotreads #tarotreading #TarotCardArt #cardoftheday
#cardoftheday #TarotCardArt #tarotreading #tarotreads #tarotdeck #tarotcard #tarot #占い #タロットリーディング #タロットデッキ #タロットカード #タロット日記 #タロット占い #タロット
Today is Boomtime, the 33rd day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3189
Our Discordian #Tarot Reading:
True : Onomatopoeia of Prickles - A moment of thud
False : Onomatopoeia of Booms - A moment of whoosh
Meaningless : Cow of Oranges - Someone in the midst of, but not affected by Sight, Fire, Bizarreness
Seek : The Initiate - One who does not know, and seeks
Avoid : Zip of Booms - A lack of Hearing, Air, Action
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EvP #Tarot Reading - 2023-09-08 - Tarot de Maria Celia
Elites - THE EMPRESS reversed - The elites ought to share the bounty of the earth. Is it possible for some of them to share even a small part of their good fortune?
People - TWO OF SWORDS - The people have been hiding or protecting some ideas. Is it time to release them?
Today is Sweetmorn, the 32nd day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3189
Our Discordian #Tarot Reading:
True : 4 of Booms - Excess Hearing, Air, Action
False : The Illuminate - One looking for knowledge or at the beginning of journey
Meaningless : The Pentagon - Aneristic Forces
Seek : Onomatopoeia of Sweets - A moment of MMMMMM
Avoid : Zip of Oranges - A lack of Sight, Fire, Bizarreness
get a private reading at
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The World-21.
By stepping back and reflecting, you can see better options clearly. At this moment, your road is clear; you can choose a new path, so choose for your highest good.
Deck used: Raven's Prophecy Tarot.
#RavensProphecyTarot #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch #ravens
#ravens #witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #ravensprophecytarot #tarot
The second of the Gergely #tarot decks, the tarocchi '23. Just for fun! Look at the art!
Girls are simply trying to get their witch on, brewing potions and stuff, when some dickhead comes along and just Demands Attention. Excuse you? Mind your own business, not everything is for everyone. In fact, some places are private and created specifically to give people a break, sanctuary 😤
2023/09/08 極私的運勢
総合評価 ペンタクルの9正位置
アドバイス カップのクイーン正位置
#タロット #タロット占い #タロット日記 #タロットカード #タロットデッキ #タロットリーディング #占い #tarot #tarotcard #tarotdeck #tarotreads #tarotreading #TarotCardArt #cardoftheday
#cardoftheday #TarotCardArt #tarotreading #tarotreads #tarotdeck #tarotcard #tarot #占い #タロットリーディング #タロットデッキ #タロットカード #タロット日記 #タロット占い #タロット