My #TarotCardoftheDay today seems very appropriate for my mood….It’s the 5 of Cups from Murder of Crows #Tarot.
A few months ago, I handled something badly. As a result, people that I care about aren’t happy with me. Everything is unspoken, it’s just a vibe mostly. Easy conversation has turned into static, brief communication. It’s the warmth that has left. I have a multitude of emotions around this….mostly sadness.
Wallowing isn’t a good thing to do, but processing and examining what is making us sad, the regrets that we hold, is important. Not in a “shoulda” kind of way, but to understand better. So that you can at least make sure it doesn’t happen again, and possibly make amends.
It’s ok to feel sad, it’s ok to feel regret. We don’t have to look for the full cups; we can mourn the ones that have spilled. And in fact we have to in order for us to be able to move on. We can’t just turn away from pain. We can’t ignore it. We have to acknowledge it and work through it in order to heal. Otherwise, we have something festering underneath that becomes infected. And then once processed, and only then, action can be taken and we can move on.
My #TarotCardoftheDay is King of Swords from the #Ostara #Tarot
I’d been working on something pretty big over the past couple of weeks that would have had what I thought would be a very positive impact on my present and future circumstances. It would have been a big step for me, and the culmination of and I suppose reward for 30 years of hard work and personal struggle. But it was not to be. By the end of the day yesterday, my dreams evaporated in a cloud. I sunk pretty deep and retreated into sadness and despair. I woke up feeling pretty much the same, but as I moved through my morning, new ideas were hatching. The path I wanted isn’t achievable, but there are other paths.
The Kind of Swords is telling me to cut through the BS of those thoughts, of that sadness. He is straight and to the point, and suffers no fools, even himself. He is honest to a fault. And he is focused. I’m reminded to not wallow, to not let emotion get in my way. That will only hamper whatever progress is available to me. There is a path forward, it’s just not the one I thought I was on. And that’s ok. It’s not time to give up. Keep my head clear so that I can see what lays ahead with logic and precision.
#tarotcardoftheday #ostara #Tarot
Lionharts (Instagram) April #Tarot Challenge day 12:
What commitments can I make to support my journey towards self love?
Movement (Knight) of Swords from the Naked Heart Tarot
I woke up in a really pissy mood today. Went to bed that way too. Nothing really horrible is going on. I’m just cranky. Noticing all those things people do…you know, those aggravating things. I’m having a lot of “what if” thoughts. Thinking about a lot of things that are out of my control and yet I still try to control them. Because of course I know better than they do (sarcasm…). Worrying about relationships, commitments, things that are five months down the road. My head is boiling over with thoughts and frustrations and worry…..It doesn’t feel good. It in fact feels yucky.
So here’s the Knight of Swords. A bit of an impetuous character sometimes. But with laser vision. It sees its prey and moves quickly. Focused, determined. It’s not thinking “what if”. It just acts. It is living in the present moment. No self-defeating thoughts. It lives here right now. Its thoughts don’t stray. It is mindfulness in motion.
The advice here is to just be in the moment. Take care of what is right in front of me. Let go of those thoughts that are vexing me. They’re just thoughts. If I focus on the here and now and not on what’s extraneous and unknown, and probably unreal, I will be taking better care of myself. It’s a much healthier way of being. Some meditation will probably help as well. #TarotCardoftheDay #BeHereNow #Mindfulness
#Tarot #tarotcardoftheday #beherenow #mindfulness
Lionhart’s (Instagram) April “Light My Fire” #Tarot Challenge Day 4:
How can I best embrace and embody my carefree spirit in the present moment?
I almost didn’t answer this question. I’m not feeling very carefree today. I’m feeling down, and burdened. There are things outside my control that aren’t going well (happenings at work; family members’ unspoken feelings), and things within my control that I’m failing at (having to do with self care). I went to bed last night feeling helpless. My momentum is slow, my motivation scarce. Not exactly carefree thinking. My #Pisces sun wants to wallow in it…..
Nine of Wands from the New Chapter Tarot shows me that I’m letting too many outside vibes in, that I’m allowing for too much static to come at me. I’m really ok. I’ve done a lot in my life, been through a lot of crises, and have come out of it all a very strong person. I know myself, I know what I’m capable of. I don’t need to allow the shit around me quell my fire. I don’t need to buckle under this. I need to set up some boundaries and shield myself from what’s going on around me, and also boundaries against my own negative thinking. Take care of what I have control over, and push away the crap that I don’t.
#Tarot #pisces #tarotcardoftheday #tarotcard
My #TarotCardoftheDay is The Wheel (of Fortune) from Mystical Cats #Tarot. The Wheel of Fortune is one of my birth cards, a la Mary K. Greer and Angeles Arrien. I’m a 19-10-1 (Sun-Wheel-Magician). Most people have 2 birth cards. Anyway….
When I look at year cards through my life, most of my really major life impacting events have happened in 10 years: my high school graduation and off to college; my oldest son was born and then he graduated and went off to college in 10 years; my father, my mother, and my sister all died in 10 years; I changed jobs and moved in a 10 year and had a major car accident that left me in the ICU for a week. I’ve had 5 “10” years in my life… that’s a lot of shit happening in those years.
2023 is a 10 year.
I remember when my father died, I was devastated. So were my brother and sister. He was quite the guy, and he was the joy and love of our family unit. What amazed my sister and I thought was how much we grew after that. We both stepped out of our comfort zones, we tried things over the following year that we never would have done before. We looked at each other a year later and said, gee I wish daddy was here to see us. But then we wouldn’t have been doing the things we’d been doing if he was. (Of course, he was there with us…..all the time; still is). The tragedy was oddly empowering. I suppose, we figured if we could handle that pain and heartache, we could handle anything. Everything else was easy peasy.
So that’s the lesson of the Wheel. Life presents you with wonderful things, life presents you with shitty things. It’s what you do with it that matters. How you move through it. How you make use of it. Understand that every experience in life gives us an opportunity for growth. And it’s actually the hardest things that give us the most growth. So it’s how we respond to situations that is key with the Wheel. There will always be expansion and contraction throughout life. How will you move with it?
So I’ve had a really wild week, very busy, a lot is going on. Today I have a meeting that is going to change my organization internally and probably set things in motion that will in the short term be very bad, in that there will be a loss of momentum and direction and a bit of chaos. This isn’t anything devastating, not something I can’t get past. It’s just something that is going to create a mess that I’ll have to clean up (long story having to do with people entrusted with responsibilities but who have apparently no integrity to follow through). The Wheel is letting me know that I need to kind of go with the flow today. I cannot control this situation. I can respond to it, though. And how I respond to it will be key. Control what I can, release what I cannot, and look for the opportunities within the chaos and turmoil.
My #TarotCardoftheDay is Temperance from the Guardian #Tarot. Second time this week.
I’ve got a lot going on right now. Everything is happening all at once. A multitude of issues and projects with imminent deadlines. Both at home and at work. I’m looking toward a weekend filled with activity, all of it things I’m looking forward to but which also mean I can’t just go quiet for a while, which is what I need. I’ve been chained to my computer at work all week, have barely seen the outside of my office except during my commute. So I’m a bit out of touch and disconnected from my “people”, my employees and the children and families I work with. That makes it hard to keep the purpose and relevancy of what I’m doing in mind, and makes my job a bit dreary and depressing. It feels like work, instead of the empowering joy I was feeling during the first half of the month.
So here’s Temperance to remind me that I’m not alone in all of this. And that there’s a better way to move through it. Less disparately, less disjointedly. I’m too focused on getting through these tasks, checking them off. I need to be connected to the higher purpose of why they need to be done. I need to flow within it, rather than plow through it. It’s about the connection to others, to Spirit, working within that connection and using it to not just support but to empower the forward movement. Within that I can regain that joy.
The card, 3 of pentacle, perfectly embodies the time aged motto of Teamwork Makes the Dream Work. In this essay I will-
#tarotreader #tarotcardoftheday #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
#tarotreader #tarotcardoftheday #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
My #TarotCardoftheDay is Temperance from the Phantasmagoric Theater #Tarot. It’s a pretty fun deck that you can find discounted in some shops around here. I think I got it for free for spending way too much money on crystals and books once a few years ago.
Temperance is a difficult card to talk about, to explain. It’s big, and kind of nebulous. It’s hard to put words on that which is nebulous because it’s…well…nebulous. Temperance is about accepting paradox, and actually blending it all together. The truth is that there is no real duality. It’s just an easy way for us humans to see the world. It’s actually pretty lazy thinking. You see the Yin Yang symbol on the card. Everything is held by everything. Darkness is held by lightness is held by darkness….
The magic of Temperance comes from not only understanding or recognizing this, but from actually working with it. Working with the magic of the Universe, of Spirit, to blend rather than separate. To create anew out of seemingly disparate pieces rather than exist in a fabricated sense of duality or separateness, isolation.
We isolate everything from everything. We categorize and classify and sort the world around us…it’s what we’re taught to do in preschool. It’s how we survived as a species - that’s going to eat me, that’s something I can eat…..But this separation doesn’t really exist. I think there’s a bit of this understanding in Quantum physics, but I know dangerously little about that to be commenting.
So today I’m to move through my day recognizing this magic, and to work with it by letting go of seeing things or people as separate bits and pieces. To see instead how I can work to blend it all together to create something more amazing.
My #TarotCardoftheDay is the Three of Wands from the Murder of Crows #Tarot
I woke up feeling a bit cranky today. I’m a bit overwhelmed. I have a lot on my mind, and though I have systems to organize, it’s all coming at me very fast and I’m having a hard time keeping up on it all.
I feel that this card is just prompting me to move forward. Action will help me to feel that I’m making progress. Just get going. I know what needs to be done. It all fits in with my vision. I have a plan, I have the needed tools. So just move forward.
My #TarotCardoftheDay is the Ace of Pentacles from the #Ostara #Tarot. Isn’t that just the cutest Ace of Pentacles you’ve ever seen?
I’m seeing “get back to the basics” here. I’ve had a good week, but there’s a lot on my plate, and if I’m not careful I’ll start spiraling and will lose the threads of what’s going on. A deep breath, a bit of water, nourishment, some movement, refocus. What’s the overriding goal here, and what am I doing that will get me there? Remove all that isn’t necessary and focus on what will get me to where I’m going. Protect myself from my own undoing, essentially. I’m a Pisces sun but I have a lot of Fire placements and I tend to burn myself out. I get kind of intense in a quiet way…..So, again, deep breaths, pace myself, remember the point of all of this.
#tarotcardoftheday #ostara #Tarot
My #TarotCardoftheDay is once again Page of Swords from the #Ostara #Tarot. Second day in a row. Today, it flew out of the deck, just wanting to be seen.
I misinterpreted the card yesterday. My day didn’t unfold as I’d expected, interview had to be rescheduled, no drama around me. Everything went really well, actually. I had some great meaningful conversations, got some important work done.
I’m in one of those places where things at both work and home are going really well. This I’ve learned is rare. Usually one or the other or both are not good. Over the past 3 years, it’s mostly been both. So this feels really good.
And so I think this card is telling me to take advantage of this feeling, this vibe, this energy. Move with it. Use it. Make things happen. Greet the day enthusiastically. Let those ideas move forward. Be inventive, be curious. Continue to have those conversations. This space doesn’t happen all the time, so I need to revel in it for now.
#tarotcardoftheday #ostara #Tarot
My #TarotCardoftheDay is the Page of Swords from the #Ostara #Tarot.
Looks as if this will be a sort of #CarpeDiem kind of day. A day to think on my feet. I’ll have to watch out for impulsivity - think before speaking, don’t hit “send” before rereading that email a couple of times. I’ve actually had a couple of instances lately of beginning to take action based on what turned out to be false information, and so, given who I’ll be spending my day with (those who provided false information) I need to be on the alert. Watch the information that’s coming to me. I’m also interviewing someone today to work side by side with those who provided me with that false information… they could very well try to sabotage this potential new hire. They after all seem to be looking to cause problems……
One of the things I really hate are those “he said she said” situations…..even when I know who is more trustworthy, there’s little I can do. So i have to be on my toes today. Listen carefully. Speak carefully. Not a day to be impulsive.
#tarotcardoftheday #ostara #Tarot #carpediem
My #TarotCardoftheDay is the Nine of Cups from the #Ostara #Tarot.
A very simple message to spend time today appreciating what is present in my life. To relax a bit, enjoy the moment. Get comfortable, and relish all the pleasures in my life.
#tarotcardoftheday #ostara #Tarot
My #TarotCardoftheDay is the Two of Swords from the Haindl #Tarot. Guide to this deck is written by #RachelPollack, and so I’ll be using it this week in her honor.
The title of this card is Peace. It’s a very quiet image, what looks to be a snow covered scene. I haven’t had the opportunity to walk through this snow this year, climate change is wreaking havoc on our weather obviously…..but I feel the memory in this card of the quiet that a recent snowfall brings. The silence.
Today is a day to pause. To be quiet. To perhaps meditate. But in effect to go inward. No rash decisions. No big moves. No major changes. Just be quiet, be still, so that I can be clear before moving forward with anything.
#tarotcardoftheday #Tarot #rachelpollack
My #TarotCardoftheDay is the Queen of Swords from the Smith Rider Waite #Tarot.
Many interpret this Queen as being cold, calculated, sharp. Someone not worried about the consequences of her words. I’ve never felt this way about her. I think she has kindness in her, but the kindness does not override her clarity.
This is a theme of the conversations I’ve been having at work in some of my coaching sessions with my employees. Being direct does not mean you’re being unkind. Speaking up is not necessarily conflict. Letting someone know that there’s a better way (or a more appropriate way) or that a rule is being broken is not necessarily rude. It’s all in your words and tone and intention. So many of us don’t speak up, allowing others to continue repeating a mistake or to, at worst, walk all over them, take advantage. If you don’t speak up, if you aren’t clear in your needs and expectations, then nothing will change.
So the Queen of Swords is reminding me of this today. She’s all about truth, honesty, getting to the point, but with kindness. She’s also about discernment. Be aware of others’ motivations. Be honest not only with others but with myself. Don’t allow confusion or illusion cloud my vision and judgement.
My #TarotCardoftheDay is the Ace of Pentacles from the Smith Rider Waite #Tarot.
Today I’m to hold all that I’m creating, all that I am responsible for, all that I’m nurturing, carefully, gently. It’s all very precious. All that I do today needs to be done within my gaze held toward the future, toward my vision of what I am growing. I’ll ask myself through my day, what am I doing now that supports growth in the direction I’m intending?
I feel like this is a bit of a pause, not really an action. A reflection. It is after all the waning moon, we’re nearing the end of the lunar cycle. It’s a time to examine what seeds I’ve planted and what I can best do to tend them.
My #TarotCardoftheDay is the Page of Wands from the Smith Rider Waite #Tarot.
I started listening to the Four Agreements this morning as I got ready for my day. As an educator and parent, and human, I’m drawn to this beginning where he discusses the lies we’ve been punished or rewarded into believing and how hard it is to let go of those beliefs. Especially in times of stress and crisis. So much to think about there…..
And so the Page of Wands is asking me to remember that feeling, before I was taught who I was supposed to be and what I’m supposed to believe. To look at the world with fresh eyes, open, curious. Not with judgment or with fear. But excited, anticipating, embracing. And also - how can I bring that to the work that I do with children? I’ve been having discussions with one of my newer hires, a woman from Germany who has a very open philosophy of the child - trusting them to be capable, which is quite the opposite of what we have here in the US. We assume children need constant supervision and guarding. I was in a classroom of toddlers yesterday, and every 5 minutes someone was reminding a child to not do something or the right way to do it (feet first down the slide, stand up, sit down…..). I’m now questioning what it is we’re really teaching them. I mean, the slide is maybe 18 inches from the floor…..why not go down sideways? What can the child learn from that experience vs. being told that their idea of how to use their body is somehow wrong…..?
So how can I preserve that spark within myself (or remember it), how can I support others in remembering, and then how can I make sure that the children in our care are being given the chance to explore and be curious to encourage their spark to continue instead of dampening it?
My #TarotCardoftheDay is the Seven of Pentacles from the Smith Ryder Waite #Tarot.
It’s time for me to stop and reflect a bit today, to take stock of my work. I have a lot of pots on the stove these days, both at home and at work, and I’ve got one big decision to make in particular that will affect the future of our organization in a big way. I’m feeling a bit of pressure, but I’m being advised to not jump in too quickly.
This card brings up a series of questions for reflection today.What is the purpose behind what I’m doing, in general and specifically? Are the actions I’m taking (or considering) aligned with my overall goals and values, and those of my organization? Is the energy I’m putting in producing the desired results?
I think that last question is key. But of course first one needs to define what those desired results are.
Today's card is Page of Pentacles.
Some jobs maybe for life, some jobs maybe only temporary, and sometimes our lifestyle choices influence the type of work we do. Choose what's best for you.
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