Bones · @knochen
56 followers · 285 posts · Server

Today's card the King of Swords is all about handling stress with a calm mind and making rational decisions. This is the home stretch for the holiday season, and we are all starting to feel that pressure, the King here is a reminder to stay strong, take every challenge one by one, and assess the best course of action.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
56 followers · 279 posts · Server

Every day is an opportunity to learn something new, or to continue to grow upon the knowledge you have. Today's card is expressing just that. Try and keep todays focus on learning something new or increasing the knowledge in an area you already feel well versed in. Learning never ends.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Virgo πŸ’– your desire for progress energizes your intimate ties. You will know how to make up for old blunders. Your shape is in good shape, you need to let off steam, to relieve stress through recreational activities.
Get clarity now with a live psychic reading from the video⬇️⬇️

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Last updated 2 years ago

Cancer πŸ’– You will progress on a healthier basis with someone you know. Be authentic. Make sure you reserve moments of relaxation and do not pull too much on the rope, you tend to exceed your physical limits.
Get clarity now with live psychic reading ⬇️⬇️

zodiac signs,
horoscope today,

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
57 followers · 268 posts · Server

Spending time with your thoughts and working with them, not against them will see you through. Trust that your intuition is guiding you to safe waters. Today, take the time to be introspective, find the wisdom within to tackle the challenges without.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
55 followers · 262 posts · Server

Today is a reminder to relax your jaw, drink water, breath, and lake a moment for yourself.
Selfcare is important, oftentimes we forget to take care of ourselves to give to another. But if we aren't well, we are only making things harder, physically and mentally.
Take a second to find a quiet space for your mind and body, decompress. Your body will Thank you.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
55 followers · 260 posts · Server

The Ace of swords is saying to start this Monday with the confidence that you have the strength and mental resilience to tackle today's challenges. If a challenge is too much for just one person to handle, communication and effective teamwork will get you through.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
50 followers · 252 posts · Server

Ignorance is bliss, but it is also a curse. Don't let indecision rule the day.
If you have been mulling over what to do about a situation, step back for a moment or two and consider all your options and angles. Use logic and careful consideration to come to a decision, there is no better time than now.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
49 followers · 243 posts · Server

Confident, passionate, mature.

Today's card may represent you directly, or perhaps someone you might run into today. Use this energy to have a fantastic day! Be passionate about the things you love in life, be confident in the decisions you make. This is a good Saturday.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
48 followers · 228 posts · Server

Celebrate your friends and those connections you have made over this trying time. Having to social distance for so many months everyone had to adapt, some friends were lost, but more were gained as well.

Take a moment and reflect on these wonderful people in your life, Celebrate the diversity of connections you have been able to foster even in the most adverse of times.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
47 followers · 221 posts · Server

Today is shaping up to be a good day.
When the 9 of cups comes upright consider it a good omen. Your work is paying off, keep it up!
This is a card of contentment, of getting not only what you need but maybe even a little more.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
46 followers · 214 posts · Server

The seven of Wands is a positive position to start the day on. We have the power, the resolution, to make the final stretch towards the weekend a great one. If there is something that you feel has been holding you back, take this time to reposition and tackle it from a new refreshed angle. Today is your day to turn things around for the better.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
44 followers · 201 posts · Server

I'm not always good at self promotion, I really do prefer word of mouth, but when you have no real presence it's good to kick it up a bit. So hey, here is a nice promotional picture for anyone who would like to boost, even a favorite is appreciated.

I am Bones, I read Tarot, I'm a pay what you can kinda person, Trades, and Tips are appreciated but never required.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
43 followers · 190 posts · Server

Opportunity. Take this as a message, it's time to plant that seed of passion, of creativity, and watch it blossom into something great. It won't happen without direct action so instead of sitting idle, get up and move!

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
43 followers · 179 posts · Server

Paying it forward is the name of the game, help when it's possible, but don't forget to give to yourself as well, it's a balance. If we over extend ourselves one way we short the other.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
34 followers · 123 posts · Server

Maybe the best thing to do today, the recovery day after all the crazy that may have been your Thanksgiving, is to just take a moment for yourself. Recollect your thoughts, de-stress, the big day is over. Find some calm in your day today.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @knochen
29 followers · 116 posts · Server

What's on your mind? Something keeping you down? Sometimes the worst enemy we have is ourselves, don't let this urge for self depreciation win. Recognize the tools you have all around you that can free you from this personal bandage.

Also, Lilly says drink more water today.

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Last updated 2 years ago