Laura ☮️🌍🕊️ 💜 · @Laurajk32
129 followers · 617 posts · Server

Today's card is Queen of Pentacles.

The finer things in life may not be cheap but the best things in life are free.


#expense #fine #free #fun #tarotcommunity #everydaywitchtarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 1 year ago

Laura ☮️🌍🕊️ 💜 · @Laurajk32
124 followers · 558 posts · Server

Today's card is Queen of Cups.

Nurturing and looking after everyone else's needs can be rewarding but who's looking after you?


Tarot readings available daily on Zoom, email or in person. Contact me for more information.

#tarotcommunity #everydaywitchtarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 1 year ago

Laura ☮️🌍🕊️ 💜 · @Laurajk32
118 followers · 518 posts · Server

Today's card is King of Pentacles.

Money is our friend. When we treat it well, it always comes back to us. But abuse it and watch it disappear.


Tarot readings available daily on Zoom, email or in person. Contact me for more info.

#money #tarotcommunity #Tarot #tarotreader #modernwitchtarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Laura ☮️🌍🕊️ 💜 · @Laurajk32
118 followers · 517 posts · Server

Today's card is Wheel of Fortune.

Always remember that in the blink of an eye everything can change for the better or worse.


Tarot readings available daily on Zoom, email or in person. Contact me for more information.

#change #tarotcommunity #modernwitchtarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Laura ☮️🌍🕊️ 💜 · @Laurajk32
119 followers · 516 posts · Server

Today's card is 10 of Cups.

When we achieve the dreams that others used to mock us for, the success tastes so much sweeter.



Tarot readings available daily on Zoom, email or in person. Contact me for more information.  

#success #tarotcommunity #modernwitchtarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Laura ☮️🌍🕊️ 💜 · @Laurajk32
119 followers · 514 posts · Server

Today's card is 10 of Wands.

Whenever we're feeling overwhelmed by our workloads, it's helpful to review what we do and why we do it. Often we can return some duties to their rightful owners.


Tarot readings available daily.

#tarotcommunity #Tarot #TarotReading #modernwitchtarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Laura ☮️🌍🕊️ 💜 · @Laurajk32
118 followers · 513 posts · Server

Today's card is 2 of Wands.

"Do I stay or do I go?"

That question we all ask ourselves when amazing opportunities come our way but we already have responsibilities here.


Tarot readings available daily. Contact me.

#tarotcommunity #modernwitchtarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Laura ☮️🌍🕊️ 💜 · @Laurajk32
117 followers · 507 posts · Server

Today's card is Queen of Cups.

It doesn't matter whether you like your tea hot, cold, in a mug or in a cup and saucer, but it does matter that you take the time to make and drink it exactly the way you like it.


#thatsthewayilikeit #tarotcommunity #modernwitchtarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Did you know I have a private Tiktok account and a private Instagram (jamietreespirit) where I share videos? Feel free to check them out and give me a follow if you're so inclined. I teach about mediumship and all manner of spiritual topics, with a dash of silliness here and there. 🔗 in bio.

#mediumship #spirits #ghosts #paranormalactivity #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunting #paranormal #spiritcommunication #ufo #cryptid #highstrangeness #psychicmedium #tarot #tarotcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

BeverleyButterflyxx · @BeverleyButterflyxx
73 followers · 378 posts · Server
Ande · @Andelaenan
19 followers · 34 posts · Server

Today's tarot card of the day is the 9 of Wands. It's been a pretty full-on week, and we may well have felt every moment of it. Luckily, we are almost at the end, and we are in a good position to finish strong from the high ground. We can do it!

#inspiration #divination #paganism #paganwitch #pagancommunity #paganlife #pagan #tarotlife #tarotcommunity #tarotreading #dailytarot #tarotcards #tarot #aussiewitch #australianwitchcraft #witchcraft #witch #dailyroutine #DruidcraftTarot

Last updated 2 years ago

U.S. & World News From the Future & Future News for You

“The Neverending Stories of Many Magic Lives”

"Science, Religion, Information & Transportation"

"The Costuming of the Court Cards"

"Each card can carry multiple meanings, even within one reading...Which of these meanings might apply to you depends on the circumstances of your life and other factors as mentioned above that can be factored into interpretations, including the details of your waking and dreaming life, past lives, your natal chart, and that extra element of mystery and magic".


#tarot #tarotreading #tarotcards #tarotreader #tarotcommunity #tarotonline #tarotspreads #tarotdeck #selfimprovement #psychic #psychics #psychicreading #psychicreadings #psychicmedium #seance #seances #history #spirituality #spiritual #spirit #spiritualawakening #soul #soulmate #soulgrowth #dream #dreams #pastliferegression #pastlife #pastlives #Pluto #astrology

Last updated 2 years ago

Aevisia · @Aevisia
20 followers · 108 posts · Server

I am a bit delayed replying to messages, I apologize! Going through a bit of a low energy period lately so just flowing right now. Will respond and be more active again soon once I start coming back up again. ☺️

In the meantime, I just wanted to leave you guys with the spread I created a few days ago. I will be putting it up on my website soon under a free resources section. I'm in the middle of re-constructing my website at the moment but will update more on that soon.

This spread is called the Root System Spread. Like the name of it implies, it is designed to help you get to the root of an issue of a shadow aspect of yourself and is designed to accommodate as many questions you need to ask. The more questions you ask, the deeper you go into the root.

Feel free to modify the questions if you'd like as well for different circumstances. It doesn't necessarily just have to be used for shadow work, but anything you'd like to receive deep insight into.

I hope this spread helps fellow tarot readers and shadow workers! See you guys in a few days.🥰

#shadowwork #Tarot #takingabreak #healing #tarotreader #tarotspreads #tarotspread #tarotcommunity #Divination #cartomancy #tarotreading

Last updated 2 years ago

Meggy ♡ · @freelovingwitch
217 followers · 373 posts · Server

Hi <3

I’m working to fall in love with my practice again… I’d really like to take this time to offer some free tarot readings and tipped ones if you feel so inclined <3

All free readings are single card pulls! Tip for $33.33+ for a full readings <3

Live zoom readings are 50% off this week too <3 great time to book!

Links are in bio!

I’ll be showing off some more projects in the coming weeks



#TarotReading #witchcraft #Tarot #tarotcommunity #tarotreader

Last updated 2 years ago

Aevisia · @Aevisia
18 followers · 78 posts · Server

I might start working on a set of for myself in regards to and . If anyone else would be interested in this, let me know and I'd be happy to share them here in an image format once they're complete. ☺️

#tarotspreads #shadowwork #healing #Tarot #tarotreader #tarotspread #tarotreading #tarotcommunity #Divination #cartomancy #witch #witchcraft #selfreflection #innerwork #innerhealing #intuition

Last updated 2 years ago

World News From the Future:

“Mess and Redress at the Palace: Near-Tragedy for the Monarchy”

Q&A: “What do the cards predict for the British royal family this year?”

Q&A: “How and when will William and Harry reconcile?”

U.S. News From the Future:

“Years of Secret Deals Revealed”

Future News for You:

Q: “You predict that some major corporations fall at the same time as AI will be on the rise. How will this change opportunities for future workers?”

“Grow Your Business with Self-Hypnosis Exercises”

“Handwriting Recasting: Rewrite Your Fate”

Link in Bio

#tarot #tarotreading #tarotcards #tarotreader #tarotcommunity #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotonline #astrology #dream #dreams #selfimprovement #psychic #psychicreading #psychicreadings #psychicmedium #predictions #prediction #news #predictions2023 #2023predictions #history #spirituality #princeharry #harryandmeghan #spare #royal #royalfamily #monarchy #BritishMonarchy #Coronation

Last updated 2 years ago

Aevisia · @Aevisia
12 followers · 46 posts · Server

I love and decks and have amassed a bit of a collection over the course of 8 years. I wanted to share it and some information about them in case anyone's on the hunt for something new to add to their collection! 👀 Some of these aren't well known and not sold in local retail stores, many I got from or found out about via projects.

Without further ado, here they are!
Sharing 4 at a time due to picture limit on posts. See thread replies for more!

1. Tarot by Yana LéVie (Ordered on Etsy, will review once it arrives). I love the aquatic feel of this deck so much. But what makes this deck really unique is it has 88 cards! It features the major and minor arcanas, and a THIRD arcana has been added to this deck called the Universal Arcana (hence, the additional cards). The guidebook also seems really beginner friendly but I'll review this deck properly once I actually have it in my possession.

2. The by Danielle Noel (purchased from her website). I purchased this one for it's art style, it was the second deck I ever owned. The images are absolutely stunning. Reading the symbolism in this deck isn't quite as intuitive as other decks and would likely be more difficult for beginners without the guidebook, but it's decent. It's truly a beautiful deck to own for those who love this art style and pastel tones. The guidebook is also fairly detailed and includes upright and reversal meanings, as well as crystal associations!

3. by Arthur Wang (purchased from his website). This deck is so polished, I've never touched cards softer than these ones, and such great quality! A lot of love went into the production of this deck, both in the card stock and the imagery. This is one of my more symbolic decks and I use this one primarily for shadow work. My only grievance with it is the way the cards are labelled. The Minor Arcana card labels are just Roman Numerals and it can be confusing to find some of the cards in the guidebook at times.
Arthur Wang recently created another tarot deck I am looking to get in the future called Ephemera, which looks to be just as stunning as his True Black Tarot, except instead of a black theme they are white and gold. It's a brand new deck that just finished funding on Kickstarter and is due to be released this Spring.

4. by Marissa Rankin and Rachael Tarantella (purchased from their website). This is probably the most unique deck I own, as the cards are round, but also, it just has such a unique system and each moon phase and mandala are so beautifully detailed, both in the artwork and in the guidebook. It is a very well done deck, but I don't recommend buying from them directly unfortunately as I had a really negative experience with them in the past. I'd suggest getting this deck from a third party seller if possible if anyone wants it. I purchased a planner from them awhile after purchasing the deck because I loved the deck so much. It was very late arriving in the mail and my husband and I were in the process of moving residences. Had it arrived on time it wouldn't have been any issue, but it didn't arrive before we moved and so I reached out to the seller explaining the situation to see if anything could be done. They were really nice about it in the beginning and offered to send a replacement to our new address, but then after that message they gave me the silent treatment for weeks, they would read my messages asking for an update, but wouldn't respond. They just completely ghosted and never fulfilled the replacement as they had said they would. As a business owner myself, I felt this was handled really poorly, that if they weren't genuine about sending the replacement they shouldn't have said they would do that and then go unresponsive and not follow through. So as much as I still love and use this deck, I can't encourage others to buy it from them, because should it get lost in the mail or any other unfortunate circumstances arise, there will be no help from them and they will ghost.

(See the replies section of this post for more decks!)

#Tarot #oracle #etsy #kickstarter #ageofaquarius #starchildtarot #trueblacktarot #spiritdelalune #tarotreading #tarotcommunity #tarotreader #Divination #spirituality #witchcraft #witch #cartomancy #spiritual #Pagan #paganism #wicca #TarotDeck #oracleCards #oracledeck

Last updated 2 years ago

Aevisia · @Aevisia
12 followers · 46 posts · Server

I think I broke Mastodon. 😂 My review post won't show up in any feeds because it's way too long. I'm sad no one can see it. ☹️ If anyone is interested in checking it out and discovering some and decks, head to my profile and see the thread before this one. These are decks I've collected over the course of 8 years. ☺️


#TarotCollection #Tarot #oracle #tarotdecks #oracledeck #tarotcommunity #tarotreader #tarotreadersofmastodon #Divination #witch #witchcraft #cartomancy #spirituality #spiritual #art #TarotCollector

Last updated 2 years ago