#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening:
Eight of Swords. Despite some good success, you may feel a bit restrained. Perhaps you were a bit too cautious. Analyze and assess. This restraint may be self-imposed so work to break it.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #reading #occult #esoterica
#esoterica #occult #reading #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: King of Pentacles.
At this moment, you're doing well, so inspire others to do well also by example and solid advice. In this moment of bounty, you can share and spread the wealth a bit.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #reading #occult #esoterica
#esoterica #occult #reading #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Seven of Swords.
Go in with open eyes. Not everyone shares your generosity and love; they may try to exploit it. Pursuing a love or passion does not mean you go in blindly. Be vigilant, watch for signs.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #occult #esoterica
#esoterica #occult #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: The Lovers-VI.
Before you love others, you need to love yourself and care for yourself as well. Then you can share and receive the love. Reciprocity is essential here.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #occult #esoterica
#esoterica #occult #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Five of Swords.
You may end up having to do things yourself. If others fall short, you may need to take over and run with it. It is not what you want, but it may be the rational option.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #esoterica #occult #reading
#reading #occult #esoterica #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Three of Pentacles.
Make sure you keep an eye on others' work. Offer advice, encouragement, and keep them on track. Make sure they work up to standards. The priority is to deliver good quality work.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #esoterica #occult #reading
#reading #occult #esoterica #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Ten of Wands.
The routine has gotten tiresome, but you needed to get it done. You've made it to the end, so deliver, complete the work, clear your list. Drop off what you've completed to move on.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #esoterica #reading #witchy
#witchy #reading #esoterica #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Four of Cups.
Make some time to sit back, reflect, consider options. New offer on the table? developing new idea? Feel need to follow new line of study? Go for it. It may be just what you need.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #esoterica #reading #witchy
#witchy #reading #esoterica #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Seven of Swords.
People may try to distract you, add unnecessary things to your list, or derail your plans. Don't allow it. Use your wits and guile to steer them away from you instead. Stay vigilant.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #reading #pagan #heathen #esoterica
#esoterica #heathen #pagan #reading #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Eight of Pentacles.
This is a good time for personal development, so seek out workshops, books, and other educational options to improve your skills and craft. Work with diligence.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #reading #pagan #heathen #esoterica
#esoterica #heathen #pagan #reading #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Nine of Pentacles.
This may be a good time to treat yourself. Does not have to be extravagant, but it can be nice. No need to wait for a holiday, get that item or treat or experience now.
Deck used: Nine of Pentacles.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #esoterica #occult #reading
#reading #occult #esoterica #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Seven of Wands.
There may be a few things coming at you at the same time. Key here is to stay calm and organized. Not need to panic. Ground yourself, stay focused, and work from a good base.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #esoterica #occult #reading
#reading #occult #esoterica #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The Emperor-IV.
You may not want to lead, but leadership may be thrust upon you. The key here is to lead by example and to be mindful of those you look over, those in your circle.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #reading #pagan #heathen #esoterica #occult
#occult #esoterica #heathen #pagan #reading #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Temperance-XIV.
A time to bring resources together, measuring carefully, and assessing as you go to manifest what you need. Take your time, there is no need to rush (even if others may want you to rush). Be patient.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #reading #pagan #heathen #esoterica #occult
#occult #esoterica #heathen #pagan #reading #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The Lovers-VI.
Some kind of realignment may be going on. What moves you, what you love, what serves your highest good, do and choose on that basis. Rediscover your bliss, then commit (or recommit) fully.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen
#heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: The Hanged Man-XII.
There may be a bureaucratic issue, some pedant holding up the line, or other administrative nuisance. You're forced to wait, so may as well work on something else, and if need be refocus efforts.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen
#heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening:
Knight of Pentacles urges patience, consistency, and stability. Cut out the distractions so you can concentrate on your work and what brings you gains. Knight of Swords clears your way so this knight can work.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #occult #esoterica
#esoterica #occult #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Knight of Swords.
As you move ahead, cut out what is not in your best interest. Cut a path through the chaos for you and those counting on you. As much as possible, think before you speak or act.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #occult #esoterica
#esoterica #occult #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Four of Cups.
Taking time to rest and clear mind can allow for clarity. You may see options you may have missed because you were stuck in the usual grind. Not feeling it? Pause, observe. May find something new.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #occult #heathen #esoterica
#esoterica #heathen #occult #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Four of Swords.
Been running yourself ragged? Make time to pause and rest. Give your mind to rest. Clear the mind for better thinking.
Deck used: Tarot of the Dream Enchantress.
#TarotOfTheDreamEnchantress #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #esoterica #occult
#occult #esoterica #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarotofthedreamenchantress #tarot