#TarotPrompt #2: What do you need more of in your life?
I'm gonna level with you; drawing the two of swords for this one made me want to smash something ceramic on a tile floor.
For context, I've been looking unsuccessfully for full-time work since November 2021. At the beginning of this year, I felt like I needed to decide between dedicating myself to making writing pay the bills or widening my job search. Figuring we had enough of a cushion that I had the freedom to follow my dreams, I went with the former - and then we were hit with two huge financial curveballs within a month of each other. For about a month and a half I've been desperately trying to get a Real Job because simply, I'm out of time and I have to get some income. It is not going well.
I feel like I'm back where I started with this year; I haven't been able to make writing pay the bills and I haven't been able to get a Real Job to pay the bills and yet the bills persist!
So what do I need more of in my life, two of swords. Lol. Lmao, even. I guess what I need is options because from where I'm sitting it looks like I've run out. I need a way to achieve balance and get my needs met.
Americans, I know you mean well, but please do not comment on this with job opportunities in the States; even remotely, these are not an option that is open to me.
@vcaudley The #TarotPrompt you shared inspired me to dig out my rune set and try a reading. I've neglected my practice for years, but always felt I needed to keep the stones nearby.
I threw Pertho, the Gambling Cup, for Luck and Sense of Self on the present-future ring, Kenaz, the Torch, for Creativity and Inspiration in the future band, and Algiz, the Elk, for Taking Action and Making Decisions outside the rings.
So I'm interpreting this as needing to be true to myself, but open to taking chances in the near future and trying to recognise creative opportunity in the longer term. Then, ultimately, I think I need to be bolder about making decisions and actually seeing them through which is where I tend to fall down.
Been thinking of how I want to use this space; I haven't found it as easy to find community here as it seems other people have, and I think it may just be that the fediverse isn't for me, but in an effort to shake things up and see what falls out, I'm gonna do @khthoniaa 's #TarotPrompt 💜
#1: Which archetype do you currently embody?
I pulled Knight of Cups. Lately I've been trying to convince myself to follow my head, to give up on dreams, to accept things I know don't serve me in the name of necessity. I think pulling this card is emblematic of my inability to do that. I'm simply not able to be anything but myself, no matter how hard I struggle against it. I'm someone who follows my heart, I'm a dreamer, and I know what fulfils me and I'm going to pursue it, even if it isn't the smartest thing to do.
#TarotPrompt #1
Pull a card (or several) to answer the following prompt:
Which archetype do you currently embody?
#tarotprompt #Tarot #Divination #prompt
If I posted tarot prompts, would you reply to them?
Tarot prompts are like journal prompts, only you answer them by pulling a tarot card and interpreting it!
#tarotprompt #tarotprompts #Tarot #Divination