I created a spread; I made it for use with but can be easily adapted to use with .

I added it to my shop with an included document breaking down the spread and how to go about reading it.

It's $1, more of a donation based kinda thing.

If anyone is interested check it out here ko-fi.com/s/4cf16b3551

#cartomancy #lenormand #Tarot #kofi #BlackMastodon #blackfedi #tarotreadersofmastodon #witch #occult #smallbusiness

Last updated 1 year ago

So about that French deck I've been pining away for...

It's so gorgeous in person! The cards are BIG so unless you have a big table, it is not ideal for a grand tableaux spread. I only wish I understood French so I can read what her guidebook has to say, always curious about other readers interpretations.

#lenormand #Tarot #oracle #tarotreadersofmastodon #cartomancy #Divination #BlackMastodon #blackfedi #newdeckalert #french

Last updated 1 year ago

Are you a Saggiterroist? Then I have your message for today. ๐Ÿ˜‚

If you're an or and want to hear your message, head over to my Ko-Fi feed! These videos are public.


#aries #leo #Tarot #tarotreadersofmastodon #oracle #sagittarius #cartomancy #Divination #BlackMastodon #blackfedi #kofi

Last updated 1 year ago

Glad to have had another great session with a fellow user! The conversations that come from people here are always insightful and well worth it.
For anyone interested in booking a session, check my pinned posts for my services list and send me an DM or email.

From: @jdp23

#mastodon #Tarot #oracle #tarotreadersofmastodon #cartomancy #Divination #BlackMastodon #blackfedi #smallbusiness #review

Last updated 1 year ago

I think I'm going to do some card pulls for the next couple hours..

$10 (normally $20) and you can choose from two decks! You can either ask a question or just get a general energy read. You can ask your question in the thread or DM me.

If you're interested--
cashapp: $paythapsyren

#Tarot #oracle #cartomancy #Divination #tarotreadersofmastodon #BlackMastodon #blackfedi #pagan #witch #spirituality

Last updated 1 year ago

I've added a membership tier to my page for anyone wanting to see exclusive and messages.

I actually have a video uploaded now for any who are curious or if you just wanna support what I do. There will be more content coming!

It's $5 a month and any messages I post that aren't public on YouTube, will be made available to you. โ˜บ๏ธ


#kofi #Tarot #oracle #cartomancy #Divination #BlackMastodon #blackfedi #tarotreadersofmastodon #smallbusiness #support

Last updated 1 year ago

I decided to upload some videos on my ko-fi page, just the Air signs today.

They're from my Tiktok, but most of you haven't seen them, so you might get something from the message!


This is Aquarius' message, you can find Libra and Gemini on my feed there.

#Tarot #kofi #oracle #cartomancy #Divination #aquarius #libra #gemini #BlackMastodon #blackfedi #tarotreadersofmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Today's card is 2 of Pentacles.

Juggling time, money and energy is a full-time job. And just when we think we've mastered it, something unexpected always comes along to tip the balance.


Tarot readings available daily, please contact me for more information.

#juggling #TarotReading #Tarot #tarotreadersofmastodon #everydaywitchtarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's card is 3 of Wands.

Sometimes we expect our hopes and dreams to immediately come true, when the reality is that we usually have to wait for a series of events to occur first.


Tarot readings available daily.

#divinetiming #TarotReading #Tarot #tarotreadersofmastodon #modernwitchtarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's card is 9 of Swords.

Worst case scenarios are just stories we tell ourselves to justify staying within our comfort zones. Whatever happens, we'll deal with it.


Tarot readings available daily, contact me for details.

#TarotReading #Tarot #tarotreadersofmastodon #modernwitchtarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's card is Death (Transformation).

Change is inevitable. Today will never be the same as yesterday and tomorrow will be different too.ย  But sometimes we need to fight any changes that challenge our freedom.ย 

#transformation #TarotReading #tarotreadersofmastodon #truelovetarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's card is The Hierophant.

Natural problems can usually be resolved with natural remedies, whereas man-made problems require man-made solutions.

#TarotReading #tarottribe #tarotreadersofmastodon #truelovetarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's card is The Moon.

Sometimes we're more afraid of what we think we know, than we are of the truth. Discover the facts and make informed decisions.

#moon #fullmoon #TarotReading #tarottribe #tarotreadersofmastodon #truelovetarot #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's card is The Sun.

Don't let other people's opinions cloud your judgement. Shine a light on the shadows that are obstructing your views so that you can see the whole picture.

ย Remember, you have to show up everyday and deal with the consequences of your actions.




#shine #light #sun #Cloud #judgement #bekind #nodiscrimination #inspirationalquote #TarotReading #tarottribe #tarotcards #tarotreadersofmastodon #truelovetarot #bournemouth #dorset #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's card is The Empress.

It's nice to be important but it's even more important to be nice.ย 

Allow people to learn and grow at their own pace. Life isn't a race and there's no need to judge or compare anyone's progress. Plant the seeds, sit back and watch the growth.

ย ย 

#nurture #grow #Nice #planttheseeds #bekind #nodiscrimination #inspirationalquote #TarotReading #tarottribe #tarotcards #tarotreadersofmastodon #truelovetarot #bournemouth #dorset #Laurajk32

Last updated 2 years ago