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"The Costuming of the Court Cards"

"Each card can carry multiple meanings, even within one reading...Which of these meanings might apply to you depends on the circumstances of your life and other factors as mentioned above that can be factored into interpretations, including the details of your waking and dreaming life, past lives, your natal chart, and that extra element of mystery and magic".


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Last updated 2 years ago

Aevisia · @Aevisia
20 followers · 108 posts · Server

I am a bit delayed replying to messages, I apologize! Going through a bit of a low energy period lately so just flowing right now. Will respond and be more active again soon once I start coming back up again. ☺️

In the meantime, I just wanted to leave you guys with the spread I created a few days ago. I will be putting it up on my website soon under a free resources section. I'm in the middle of re-constructing my website at the moment but will update more on that soon.

This spread is called the Root System Spread. Like the name of it implies, it is designed to help you get to the root of an issue of a shadow aspect of yourself and is designed to accommodate as many questions you need to ask. The more questions you ask, the deeper you go into the root.

Feel free to modify the questions if you'd like as well for different circumstances. It doesn't necessarily just have to be used for shadow work, but anything you'd like to receive deep insight into.

I hope this spread helps fellow tarot readers and shadow workers! See you guys in a few days.🥰

#shadowwork #Tarot #takingabreak #healing #tarotreader #tarotspreads #tarotspread #tarotcommunity #Divination #cartomancy #tarotreading

Last updated 2 years ago

Aevisia · @Aevisia
18 followers · 78 posts · Server

I might start working on a set of for myself in regards to and . If anyone else would be interested in this, let me know and I'd be happy to share them here in an image format once they're complete. ☺️

#tarotspreads #shadowwork #healing #Tarot #tarotreader #tarotspread #tarotreading #tarotcommunity #Divination #cartomancy #witch #witchcraft #selfreflection #innerwork #innerhealing #intuition

Last updated 2 years ago