14. Turn Around Don't Drown. Because people still don't heed the warnings. 15. How to improvise and build a shelter in a disaster -- got a tarp? rope? plywood? How do you keep warm and safe after a hurricane/flood/windstorm? 9/x #disasters #flooding #wx #shelter #tarp #tent
#disasters #flooding #wx #shelter #tarp #tent
Es ist mal wieder Zeit, das #tarp einzupacken und draussen zu schlafen! Auch wenn ich im Mückenschwarm ende...mal sehen, wann ich los kann in den nächsten Tagen
#tarp #bikepacking #outdoor #microabenteuer
We're delighted and excited to be getting this vital support from @RobertsonTrust.
#Poverty exists across #Scotland, and our #TARP project will shine a light on the experience of people in #rural areas, so that together we can build policies that protect people.
RT @RobertsonTrust
📢We are pleased to announce that six organisations have been awarded over £1.7M under our Financial Security Programme Awards.
All of the projects…
#rural #tarp #scotland #poverty
So, this will come up, did the #NYFRB chief (which is the only real part of the fed, the rest has been a pure ceremonial thing for 90+ years) violate the power of the purse in #TARP?
Of course they did. You can't create a notional EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS without the implied federal purse.
Congress hasn't had the exclusive power of the purse for at least 15 years, it is silly to pretend otherwise.
Today, Melbye and the Ensemble Storstrøm play #Debussy #Tarp #Gaubert #Martinu and #Roussel in #Toreby https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/melbye_and_the_ensemble_storstrm_play_debussy_tarp_gaubert_martinu_and_roussel_in_toreby/73929/ #wch
#debussy #tarp #gaubert #martinu #roussel #toreby #wch
@kbensimon the trials and tribs the mostly born rich & corrupt US #UpperClass go through.
They have so much unearned wealth & power to lose, so they stress out to a different degree than people working check to check, struggling to feed families and make ends meet.
Poor #GeorgeWBush #HankPaulson #GoldmanSachs #BankOfAmerica before #Congress #TARP bailed out the #TooBigToJail Banksters who pump n dumped the global economy in 2008
#CommercialRealEstate #CorporateWelfare #AI will sink them
#ai #corporatewelfare #commercialrealestate #toobigtojail #tarp #congress #bankofamerica #goldmansachs #hankpaulson #georgewbush #upperclass
@RitchieTorres It's just like #TARP era Spitzer & #ElizabethWarren crusades:
The public isn't sophisticated enough to grasp #accounting & #realestate taxation.
Otherwise, no matter how rich you are, you're not taxed losing money.
On point: How how many millions of poor do we need to illegally import for the #DemocraticParty?
That's why #Trump ran.
https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4656370/user-clip-sen-barack-obama-illegal-immigration #CSPAN #Obama
#tarp #elizabethwarren #accounting #realestate #democraticparty #trump #cspan #obama
Hardware Store Chemicals Transform Sheets into Waterproof Tarps - For hackers in the Northern Hemisphere, the seasons of wet and cold are upon us. S... - https://hackaday.com/2022/11/23/hardware-store-chemicals-transform-sheets-into-waterproof-tarps/ #chemistryhacks #lifehacks #recycled #silicone #textiles #naphtha #textile #canvas #knots #tarp
#tarp #knots #canvas #textile #naphtha #textiles #silicone #recycled #lifehacks #chemistryhacks
Hardware Store Chemicals Transform Sheets into Waterproof Tarps https://hackaday.com/2022/11/23/hardware-store-chemicals-transform-sheets-into-waterproof-tarps/ #chemistryhacks #Lifehacks #recycled #silicone #textiles #naphtha #textile #canvas #knots #tarp
#chemistryhacks #Lifehacks #recycled #silicone #textiles #naphtha #textile #canvas #knots #tarp
Ein #Bushcraft-Profi läge nach 10 min unter seinem #Tarp und würde entspannt entspannen. 🤦
Aber nein, Osman hat eine tolle Idee.
Ein weiterer Beleg dafür, warum #Außerirdische uns nicht besuchen. 🤦 ☹️
#Plastik #Plastikverschmutzung #Ressourcenvergeudung #outdoor #goplasticfree #plasticsucks #plasticpollution
#plasticpollution #plasticsucks #goplasticfree #outdoor #Ressourcenvergeudung #Plastikverschmutzung #plastik #Außerirdische #tarp #bushcraft
Immer im Bus schlafen ist ja auch langweilig. Darum wurde gestern mal wieder das Tarp ausgepackt.
#kradtour #vanlife #t4 #vw #syncro #travel #georgien #kutaissi #Rioni #fluss #tarp #bushcraft #microabenteuer #microadventure
#kradtour #vanlife #t4 #vw #Syncro #travel #georgien #kutaissi #Rioni #fluss #tarp #bushcraft #microabenteuer #microadventure
#Wanderung und #Overnighttrail in der Fränkischen Schweiz zwischen #Streitberg und #Muggendorf vom 09.- 10.07.2022
#Sommer #Bäume #Laub
#Berge #Gipfel #Felsen
#Blumen #Sommerblumen #Flower
#Höhlen #Grotten
#Hase #Feldhase
#wanderung #Overnighttrail #Streitberg #Muggendorf #FränkischeSchweiz #sommer #bäume #Laub #berge #gipfel #Felsen #blumen #sommerblumen #flower #höhlen #Grotten #hase #Feldhase #tarp
Ein #Bushcraft-Profi läge nach 10 min unter seinem #Tarp und würde entspannt entspannen. 🤦
#Plastik #Plastikverschmutzung #Ressourcenvergeudung #outdoor
#outdoor #Ressourcenvergeudung #Plastikverschmutzung #plastik #tarp #bushcraft
Auch wenn man durch den kühlen Wind die Sonneneinstrahlung nicht so spürt, hat man in in Nullkommanichts einen Sonnenbrand. Deswegen ist Sonnenschutz extrem wichtig.
#kradtour #vanlife #t4 #vw #syncro #travel #griechenland #greece #dimitrios #peleponnese #sonnenschutz #tarp #zelt
#kradtour #vanlife #t4 #vw #Syncro #travel #griechenland #greece #dimitrios #peleponnese #sonnenschutz #tarp #zelt
RT @GaucheStudio@twitter.com
Disons que ça fait un petit moment qu'on a rassemblé nos forces pour travailler là-dessus.
Teaser de l'adaptation du petit manuel de la fachosphère en cours.
#tarp #pmf #antifa #presidentielles2022 #tarpFr #fachosphère
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GaucheStudio/status/1479777906079551492
#presidentielles2022 #tarpFr #tarp #pmf #antifa #fachosphère