Axon's #Ethics Board Resigned Over Taser-Armed #Drones. Then the Company Bought a #Military #Drone Maker
The CEO’s vision for Taser-equipped drones includes a fictitious scenario in which the technology averts a shooting at a day care center.
#axon #taser
#taser #axon #drone #military #drones #ethics
Ex-workers at Taser firm
Felt the pressure to get firmly tased
But they didn't comply
To the all-in high-fly
And the loyalty culture was disgraced
#taser #loyalty #pressure #reuters #limerick #poetry
#taser #loyalty #pressure #reuters #limerick #poetry
Auskunft über -#Taser-Einsätze der #Polizei: Klage stattgegeben.
Ein Kläger am #Verwaltungsgericht Düsseldorf will mehr Transparenz über Tasereinsätzen der Polizei. Das Gericht hat die Klage des 22-Jährigen aus Baden-Württemberg am Donnerstag stattgegeben.
#taser #polizei #verwaltungsgericht
"Il #Taser può uccidere.
La morte del 35nne a San Giovanni Teatino riapre il dibattito su quest’arma micidiale approvata con leggerezza."
#PoliceBrutality #GovernoDellaVergogna
#Salvini #Meloni #18agosto
#taser #humanrights #policebrutality #GovernodellaVergogna #salvini #meloni #18agosto
In #Duisburg Neuenkamp hat wohl ein Polizist einen Mann erschossen, nachdem der #Taser-Einsatz misslang. Der Mann habe zuvor die Einsatzkräfte mit einem Messer bedroht. Die Polizei #Düsseldorf ermittelt.
Ein fürchterlicher Vorfall, für dessen Ermittlungen zu hoffen ist, dass die #Bodycam des Polizisten eingeschaltet war. #polizei #nrw
#duisburg #taser #dusseldorf #bodycam #polizei #nrw
DUI arrest prompted Key Biscayne officer to draw taser :
The police report says the case began when an officer saw that a Ford F-150 pickup truck almost lost control when the driver made a U-turn on Crandon Boulevard.
#Alcohol #Drivingundertheinfluence #DUI #EdwinMedinaVargas #FrankSousa #KBPD #Taser
#Miami #news
#alcohol #drivingundertheinfluence #dui #edwinmedinavargas #franksousa #kbpd #taser #miami #News
Pericoloso l'uso del dissuasore elettrico taser. Come funziona il taser, la pistola che spara le scariche elettriche? La polizia americana lo usa da un po', da qualche anno è in dotazione anche alla polizia italiana: il taser, il dissuasore elettrico usato per rendere inoffensivi gli individui pericolosi. Come funziona?
#abruzzo #Axon #carabienieri #cardiologia #difesapersonale #dissuasoreelettrico #polizia #taser
#abruzzo #axon #carabienieri #cardiologia #difesapersonale #dissuasoreelettrico #polizia #taser
Chieti, fermato col taser mentre correva nudo in strada: muore un 35enne.
#OmicidioDiStato #Taser #ACAB
Negli USA dal 2010 sono morte 513 persone dopo l’uso del taser da parte della polizia. #taser
Die #Cilip @cilip führt auch eine Statistik zu durch #Taser Getötete:
Fearless Grandma REFUSES To Be Arrested
#police #arrests #civilrights #policeBrutality #ACAB #FTP #cops #oklahoma #trafficstop #taser #lesslethal
#police #arrests #civilrights #policebrutality #acab #ftp #cops #oklahoma #trafficstop #taser #lesslethal
Adam Savage wilde zich voor #Mythbusters niet met een #taser laten beschieten. En wel hierom:
"Two Scenes Adam Refused to Film on MythBusters"
by #CandaceMcDuffie in #TheRoot:
"[N]ational civil rights lawyer Harry Daniels who is representing Dallas’ family, said during a news conference Thursday that Dallas was actually an 'innocent bystander' in all of this. In addition, Daniels stated that several eyewitnesses had told his firm Dallas was 'nowhere near an alleged burglary.' He asserted that Dallas was around 200 yards away from the incident when police arrived."
#JawanDallas #Mobile #Alabama #AL #taser #tased #police #PoliceViolence #PoliceBrutality #violence #death
#candacemcduffie #TheRoot #jawandallas #mobile #alabama #al #taser #tased #police #policeviolence #policebrutality #violence #death
by #CandaceMcDuffie in #TheRoot:
"[N]ational civil rights lawyer Harry Daniels who is representing Dallas’ family, said during a news conference Thursday that Dallas was actually an 'innocent bystander' in all of this. In addition, Daniels stated that several eyewitnesses had told his firm Dallas was 'nowhere near an alleged burglary.' He asserted that Dallas was around 200 yards away from the incident when police arrived."
#JawanDallas #Mobile #Alabama #taser #tased #police #PoliceViolence #PoliceBrutality #violence #death
#candacemcduffie #TheRoot #jawandallas #mobile #alabama #taser #tased #police #policeviolence #policebrutality #violence #death
Pistolas Taser: la Policía porteña las usará desde el 17 de julio
#caba #larreta #nazi #taser #tortura #picanaelectrica
Officer who Tasered vulnerable man six times in Greater Manchester sacked | Police | The Guardian
#taser #police #policeviolence #smith #PhillipSmith #mentalhealth #suicide #welfare #greatermanchesterpolice #excessiveforce #GratuitousViolence #LackOfRespect #vulnerable #VulnerablePerson
Overmatig veel #verkeersdoden, iemand die het loodje legt na gebruik van een "less lethal" #taser, diverse #steekincidenten met vandaag wéér een dodelijk slachtoffer. De MinFin die twijfelt over haar werk voortzetten. In *meerdere* steden intimidatie dmv #explosieven en gerichte schoten op gebouwen met #vuurwapens.
Ik durf zo wel naar buiten hoor, maar het begint wel op te vallen dat de #overheid (niet zozeer de #politie alleen) de controle lijkt te verliezen.
#politie #overheid #vuurwapens #explosieven #steekincidenten #taser #verkeersdoden
DOJ seeks 14-year prison sentence for #January6th rioter who used #Taser on #police
Neue Dossiers der Wissenschaftlichen Dienste des #Bundestages sind online:
◾️ Flächennutzung durch #Windenergie
◾️ Einsatz sog. #Taser durch die Polizei
◾️ Geschlechtsspezifische #Medizin
◾️ Aspekte einer #feministischen Wirtschaftspolitik
Jetzt lesen:
#bundestag #windenergie #taser #medizin #feministisch