"The MPD mistreats people with behavioral health disabilities. MPD’s response to the majority of behavioral health-related calls 'is often harmful and ineffective,' the report states. Investigators 'identified numerous examples of MPD officers unnecessarily escalating situations and in many cases using avoidable force against people with behavioral health disabilities,' including the use of tasers and potentially deadly neck restraints."
#BehavioralHealth #disabilities #tasers #BehavioralHealthServices
#behavioralhealth #disabilities #tasers #behavioralhealthservices
De #politie gebruikte in 2022 opnieuw meer geweld. Ook het aantal incidenten waarbij de politie betrokken was, nam met 18 procent toe.
'Dankzij het #stroomstootwapen werd er minder geschoten. Er werd méér geschoten.'
Schiet mij maar kapot
#Tasers verminderen #politiegeweld niet, maar vermeerderen het, precies zoals wij in 2017 al concludeerden na de eerste proef.
#politiegeweld #tasers #stroomstootwapen #politie
#AllLightEverywhere is a #documentary on #Hulu released in #2021 but apparently mostly shot #2017 through #2019 that attempts to cover the ever-timely topic of #surveillance in the #US, particularly by the #police on #Black communities.
It's a patchwork of concepts and ideas that does best when it's focused on #Axon, the company that makes most of the #BodyCameras and #tasers used by police departments in the U.S.
That's chilling. Especially that their cameras deliberately distort perspective.
#tasers #bodycameras #axon #black #Police #US #Surveillance #hulu #Documentary #alllighteverywhere
I think we need to stop referring to #Tasers and #PepperSpray as "non-lethal" in the hands of the #Police
Yeah, you have a stun gun that shocks an attacker or a tiny can of face burning, they have high voltage prongs that attach into the skin and can be used repeatedly and a huge can of aerosolized neurotoxin that absolutely should never be inhaled.
Tasers are less deadly, but they can still be deadly.
We need more #lawsuits challenging the use of #tasers.
"As the members of the Commission may know,
there is fairly little case law governing the use of tasers, which is one of the reasons why
it has been difficult for municipalities to enact guidelines to aid the law enforcement
community in understanding when it is appropriate to use them." https://law.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/default/files/child-page/164097/doc/slspublic/tasersv2.pdf