Random Old Comic: Where No One Has Gone Before https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2019/11/27/where-no-one-has-gone-before/ #xp #Data #GeordiLaForge #StarTrek #TashaYar
#xp #data #geordilaforge #startrek #tashayar
Random Old Comic: Weasel https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/06/28/weasel/ #xp #BeverlyCrusher #Data #DeannaTroi #GeordiLaForge #JeanLucPicard #Q #StarTrek #TashaYar #WillRiker #Worf
#xp #beverlycrusher #data #deannatroi #geordilaforge #jeanlucpicard #q #startrek #tashayar #willriker #worf
Lieutenant Yar. this gal was a tough cookie in TNG s1, and also in her slut era, haha. I was shocked when she died and wasn't revived. it was the first permanent death of a main cast member that I saw. Oh and also, she looked like she was captain marvel. she would've been perfect!
#startrektng #tashayar #lieutenantyar
Random Old Comic: Vision https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/08/24/vision/ #xp #angel #beverlycrusher #buffythevampireslayer #deannatroi #dorothyzbornak #goldengirls #hikarusulu #spike #startrek #tashayar
#xp #angel #beverlycrusher #buffythevampireslayer #deannatroi #dorothyzbornak #goldengirls #hikarusulu #spike #startrek #tashayar
Gods, the Tasha Yat memorial is so epically naff! It is now and was then. I hated everything about her death and that noone had anything to say about her instead it was about the remaining cast. Bring on Sela! Go off, queen!
#StarTrekTNG #TheNextGeneration #StarTrek #TashaYar #StarTrekBinge2023
#startrektng #thenextgeneration #startrek #tashayar #startrekbinge2023
Continuing in my re-read of some classic #TrekLit novels: From the #TNG shelf, the great Jean Lorrah wrote the first "giant novel" called "Metamorphosis," and brought back a number of characters from her earlier entry, "Survivors." I adored both books because I think #TashaYar was an underrated character. The show absolutely missed an opportunity to flesh her out, but Lorrah fills that void with perfection.
Die Abschiedsszene von #TashaYar in der 1. Staffel von #StarTrekTNG ist ziemlich kitschig. Keine schlechte Idee mit dem Holodeck, aber die "Paradies" Wolken und die Transparenz von Tasha's Hologramm (Engel? och nö!) waren visueller Kitsch, auf den sie echt hätten verzichten können. Sowohl Denise Crosby als auch Patrick Stewart und Brent Spiner hatten gute schauspielerische Leistungen in der Szene. Reicht doch. Muss nicht alles mit dem Holzhammer sein, Babes. 😒
Die Abschiedsszene von #TashaYar in der 1. Staffel von #StarTrekTNG ist ziemlich kitschig. Keine schlechte Idee mit dem Holodeck, aber die "Paradies" Wolken und die Transparenz von Tasha's Hologramm (Engel? och nö!) waren visueller Kitsch, auf den sie echt hätten verzichten können. Sowohl Denise Crosby als auch Patrick Stewart und Brent Spiner hatten gute schauspielerische Leistungen in der Szene. Reicht doch. Muss nicht alles mit dem Holzhammer sein, Babes. 😒
A #Neuroscientist Found Out What Happens To The Brain When We Die - Then Realized That Star Trek (#TNG) Figured It Out First! 😂 👍 #StarTrek #iflscience #Trekkies #sciencefiction #Scifi
Video: https://bit.ly/3hFhJ18
#TashaYar is severely injured. Back at sickbay, the crew watch over Yar as she slowly dies. Just like the scientific research explains, #Crusher notes that there is still hope 2 revitalize Yar, even though there is technically no brain activity.
Article: https://bit.ly/3tDMA16
#neuroscientist #tng #startrek #iflscience #tashayar #crusher #trekkies #sciencefiction #scifi
Heh, I just learned that #XCOM2: #WarOfTheChosen has a whole bunch of #StarTrek actors as #VoiceActors!
Michael Dorn (#Worf) as Mox, Jonathan Frakes (#WillRiker) as Volk, Dwight Schultz (#Murdock from The #ATeam and #ReginaldBarclay from Star Trek) as Jeriah, Marina Sirtis (#DeannaTroi) as Elena, John de Lancie (#Q) as Geist, and Denise Crosby (#TashaYar) as Betos. That just put this game a lot higher on my to-play list!
#xcom2 #WarOfTheChosen #startrek #voiceactors #worf #WillRiker #Murdock #ateam #ReginaldBarclay #deannatroi #q #tashayar
I still need some practice in doing a #portrait that really looks like the person I'm attempting to portray
This time it's #tashayar from #startrek #thenextgeneration
#art #illustration #alcoholmarkers #spectrumnoir #pencildrawing
#pencildrawing #spectrumnoir #alcoholmarkers #illustration #art #natashayar #startrektng #thenextgeneration #StarTrek #tashayar #portrait