La case du jour !
24 Août,
Task Force Z n°9 (2022),
De Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Adriano Lucas et Rob Leigh.
#Comics #comicbooks #comicbook #comicbookart #comic #comicbook #taskforce
#taskforcez #bandedessinee #solomongrundy
#Comics #comicbooks #comicbook #comicbookart #comic #taskforce #taskforcez #bandedessinee #solomongrundy
#euvsdisinfo says:
With this article, we again invite our readers on a behind-the-scenes tour of the EUvsDisinfo website. We go through some key moments of our history in an ever-changing threat landscape, starting from Russia’s aggression against #Ukraine in 2014 and the subsequent decision by EU leaders to set up the #EastStratCom #TaskForce. We reflect on the lessons learned fighting the #COVID19 #pandemic and especially its accompanying ‘infodemic’ […]
#euvsdisinfo #ukraine #eaststratcom #taskforce #covid19 #pandemic
Bon, j'étais bien partie pour occulter toutes les merdes du moment, juste les Françaises....JPP.
Quand Nico de #TwitterSaMère me sentait partir en sucette, elle avait le don de m'apaiser, c'était ma #TaskForce, ma #SuperNana 💘
Là ça va juste un peu véner, mais je t'ai fait des crises de calcaire mémorables 😩
Du coq à l'âne, j'étais partie sur un #mood midinette avec Stéphanie de Monaco 🤓
Bref souvenirs de cagole du sud naaan baba cool de ma jeunesse.😜
#twittersamere #taskforce #supernana #mood
Don’t mind Mars. He’s just silent and stand-off-ish because of his tragic backstory.
#jollybiscuit #office #jobinterview #career #boss #worker #job #corporation #interview #secret #powerrangers #heroes #taskforce #undergroundbase #hologram #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrips
#jollybiscuit #office #jobinterview #career #boss #worker #job #corporation #interview #secret #powerrangers #heroes #taskforce #undergroundbase #hologram #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrips
Task Force (Working Title) - Ordered to Series by HBO - Starring Mark Ruffalo
#TaskForce(workingTitle) #TV #Television
Carbon capture and storage is ‘no free lunch’, warns climate chief Would it not be simpler to plant trees? #trees #alotofthem #delaytactics #taskforce
#taskforce #delaytactics #alotofthem #trees
In #Moldavia il presidente #MaiaSandu progetta una #taskforce di contrasto alle #fakenews delle #fontirusse. Da noi c'è chi chiede le #bufale del #Cremlino in TV perché "libertà di parolah"
#Moldavia #MaiaSandu #taskforce #fakenews #FontiRusse #bufale #cremlino
#emergenzaemiliaromagna: imponente dispiegamento della #taskforce di @EnelGroup
#enel #tfnews #aiutiemiliaromagna #19maggio #cronaca #tfnews #italia #news #marche #emergenzaclimatica #emiliaromagna
#emergenzaemiliaromagna #taskforce #ENEL #tfnews #aiutiemiliaromagna #19Maggio #cronaca #italia #news #marche #emergenzaclimatica #emiliaromagna
The UK made a decision
To boost AI with precision
They splashed a hundred million
To stay ahead of competittion
A taskforce with data fusion
#uk #ai #funding #taskforce #limerick #poetry
#uk #ai #funding #taskforce #limerick #poetry
Donc si je comprends bien la #macronie reforme une n-ième "#taskforce" contre le #RN et les élus lepénistes pendant que #BrunoLeMaire reprends les éléments de langage de l'#extremeDroite à propos de la #fraudeSociale... 🤷♂️
#fraudesociale #extremedroite #brunolemaire #rn #taskforce #macronie
@brunodugers @LibreQg Vous noterez que ça fait tout juste 3 chats et un pèlerin qui font une une d'enfer sur Touitteur la loose et 3 lignes dans le dernier des canards
Rentrez chez vous les keufs, flics, policiers.C'est bon là, au pitre, n'ayez crainte ils ont leur #TaskForce
As I did #GURPS, I thought another chunk of #TTRPG material would be in order.
This is my #StarTrek (before Adventures) shelf. It's a much thumbed collection
There's a scattering of reference material and some papercraft, but otherwise it's solid RPG. My first edition #FASA box is on another shelf, as it annoyingly has a misprinted rule book.
Otherwise, this is close to all the FASA adventures and supplements, plus most of #LastUnicorn and incomplete #Decipher and #Taskforce #PrimeDirective.
#gurps #ttrpg #startrek #fasa #lastunicorn #decipher #taskforce #primedirective
Finirà che i terroristi fuggiti all'estero verranno rimpatriati per aver aperto ristoranti dove si fa la carbonara con la panna.
Ricordiamo che l'opinione della task force di assaggiatori è importante, ma il voto di Alessandro Borghese può ribaltare tutto.
VIDEO – “#TaskForce” con l’Unicef in Siria per l’emergenza terremoto
#emergenzaterremoto #unicef #syriaearthquake #8marzo #cronaca #esteri #tfnews #news #Syria #unicefsyria
#taskforce #emergenzaterremoto #unicef #syriaearthquake #8marzo #cronaca #esteri #tfnews #news #syria #unicefsyria JAG Arrests Past & Current COVID Task Force Members #arrest #covid #jag #taskforce
#taskforce #JAG #COVID #arrest
Die #Landesregierung will Tempo machen bei der #Energiewende in #Niedersachsen. Eine #Taskforce soll für die nötige Beschleunigung sorgen. Neben vereinfachten Verfahren, soll es auch mehr Personal dafür geben. Die Genehmigung von Windrädern soll von fünf auf nur noch ein Jahr sinken. Die Richtung stimmt. #DGB #Gewerkschaft #Energie #Windkraft #Solar #Erneuerbare
#landesregierung #energiewende #niedersachsen #taskforce #dgb #gewerkschaft #energie #windkraft #solar #erneuerbare
Die #Landesregierung will ordentlich Tempo machen bei der #Energiewende in #Niedersachsen.
Eine entsprechende #Taskforce soll für die nötige Beschleunigung sorgen. Neben vereinfachten Verfahren, soll es auch mehr Personal dafür geben. Die Genehmigung von Windrädern soll von fünf auf nur noch ein Jahr sinken. Die Richtung stimmt.
#landesregierung #energiewende #niedersachsen #taskforce #dgb #gewerkschaft #energie #windkraft #solar
Indirizzare fondi per la finanza sostenibile ambientale. Nasce la task force ISPRA sulla finanza sostenibile contro il greenwashing. ISPRA ha istituito la sua task force per la trasparenza e la finanza sostenibile contro il greenwashing.
Il gruppo di lavoro vuole essere un supporto alla lotta ai cambiamenti climatici.
#cambiamenticlimatici #EcolabelUE #finanzasostenibile #greendeal #greenwashing #Ispra #riscaldamentoglobale #taskforce #transizioneenergetica
#cambiamenticlimatici #ecolabelue #finanzasostenibile #greendeal #greenwashing #ispra #riscaldamentoglobale #taskforce #transizioneenergetica