Turned out that the reason I'd been putting certain jobs off was that I didn't want them to distract me from finishing my chapter. As soon as the draft was completed, I was suddenly energised to complete a task I've been putting off since December. Funny how that works. Almost like #dopamine makes #TaskInitiation easier...
#dopamine #taskinitiation #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #adhd #ExecutiveFunction
OK, we're resorting to self-bribery, LMAO.
I don't even have to get everything done, just get going, get SOMETHING done, and then I can happily do nothing the rest of the day.
Comfy pants & headphones are on.
#adhd #taskinitiation #houseworksucks
I like to cross tasks off in my planner in #rainbow order for extra dopamine (because #adhd likes to steal it from me). It always makes me happy to close out a week with completed rainbow cycles, especially when heading into a long weekend!
#neurodivergent #smalljoys #motivation #taskinitiation #executivefunction
#Rainbow #adhd #neurodivergent #smalljoys #motivation #taskinitiation #ExecutiveFunction