#Windows11 の #TaskManager で process の検索ができるようになったのですね。これは便利。
#windows11 #taskmanager #prattohome
After suffering through a few days of overwhelm, I finally sat down yesterday and, of all things, mindmapped all my obligations, pending tasks, and projects in progress using @Mindnode. It’s a monster of a #mindmap. But how nice to see everything at once, and to see the underlying structure of it emerge, and to begin to see patterns, and to start grouping similar tasks together. Maybe I’ve finally found a #TaskManager that works the way my brain does?
Why reinvent anything? Just copy what works lol
#MissionCenter #TaskManager #Windows #Linux #Meme #LinuxMeme #FosseryTech
#fosserytech #linuxmeme #Meme #Linux #Windows #taskmanager #missioncenter
Wow, Mission Center is shaping up really nice! 🙂️ https://gitlab.com/mission-center-devs/mission-center/ #gtk4 #libadwaita #gnome #systemmonitor #taskmanager #resources #memory #cpu #gpu #network #linux
#Linux #network #gpu #cpu #memory #resources #taskmanager #systemmonitor #GNOME #libadwaita #gtk4
Das man beim #Windows #TaskManager den automatischen Refresh durch drücken der STRG-Taste unterbrechen kann, wusste ich bisher auch nicht. Simpler Trick, so hilfreich 🤩. Danke an @Bo_Datenschutz für den Post! https://t.co/si0ChvTQxe
Ars Technica: An Apple malware-flagging tool is “trivially” easy to bypass https://arstechnica.com/?p=1960742 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #syndication #taskmanager #Security #exploit #Biz&IT #Apple #apple
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #syndication #taskmanager #security #exploit #biz #apple
Magia di Microsoft: due copie di Windows sullo stesso PC
#Windows11 #Microsoft #virtualizzazione #computer #taskmanager
#Windows11 #microsoft #virtualizzazione #computer #taskmanager
Legit all this week!
I caught myself saying, "#Things3 isn't working as well for me lately as a #TaskManager."
Maybe that has less to do with #Things3 and more to do with my having lost my habit of reviewing my tasks and projects first thing each morning!
Sometimes, the issue isn't the tool. Sometimes, the issue is the process.
Windows Server 2012R2: Taskmanager lässt sich nicht aufrufen
Heute hatte ich bei einem etwas älteren Serversystem, dass ich über die Taskleiste nicht mehr den Taskmanager aufrufen konnte. Der entsprechende Eintrag war ausgegraut. Wenn ich denn versucht habe, den Taskmanger über die Funktion "Ausführen" (Windows+R) zu Starten, bekam ich de
#Allgemein #2012R2 #DisableTaskMgr #Taskmanager
#taskmanager #disabletaskmgr #2012r2 #allgemein
Monitor Linux System Resource Usage With SysMonTask #Sysmontask #Taskmanager #Linux #Opensource #Python
#Sysmontask #taskmanager #Linux #OpenSource #Python
The latest Dev Channel preview build of Windows 11 introduces a USB4 Hubs and Devices page in Settings, a "Create live kernel memory dump file" option for Task Manager, and a number of other tweaks. https://blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2023/03/22/announcing-windows-11-insider-preview-build-23419/
#windows11 #microsoft #usb4 #taskmanager
Google Chrome mostrerà la quantità di RAM consumata da ogni scheda
#Google #Chrome #googleChrome #browser #schede #internet #memoria #RAM #taskmanager
#google #chrome #googlechrome #browser #schede #internet #memoria #ram #taskmanager
Every decade or so, I let my guard down and work myself up to believe that maybe, just maybe, if I'm struggling so much with deadlines and multiple tasks, it's because I'm just missing the right software. In a bout of technoptimism, I end up trying the latest task manager that everyone's so excited about. Then a week or two later, I realize the obvious: no code will save me. The problem is elsewhere entirely.
#work #theresanappforthat #software #taskmanager
#work #theresanappforthat #software #taskmanager
As someone who does a bit of app development on the side, I know how important app reviews are for indie developers, hence one of my New Year’s Resolutions was to write at least one review a month for apps that I use regularly. Kicked off January with a review for my task manager of choice https://www.2doapp.com #2Do #todo #tasklist #taskmanager
#2do #todo #tasklist #taskmanager
I really love the #NoNonse #Notepad for #Android by Campello Manuel. It's a nice, straightforward note-taking app that works like a charm and is very useful for smaller reminders you wouldn't want to put in a calendar. Find it on @fdroidorg !
#opensource #fdroid #taskmanager
📲 https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.nononsenseapps.notepad/
#nononse #notepad #android #opensource #fdroid #taskmanager