@nojhan @framasky Neorg's GTD is on its way and the neorg's lead dev is 100% on this.
You'll not need #TaskWarrior for long.
I suddenly realized that my #taskwarrior sync server is a snowflake and I will any more let myself spend so much time to setup a TLS. I'm gonna go make a #backup.
Do any of y’all use to do list software like #taskwarrior or #todoist and have any that you recommend?
I’ve been getting into taskwarrior lately but I’m always worried this kind of stuff has potential to distract more than it helps
I have also found #TaskChampion! https://taskchampion.github.io/taskchampion/ But for now, I am settled with #TaskWarrior. I have also scripted a small Bash-integration, so that my Ad-hoc NextCloud Notes taken on my Android Phone (starting with Task or Log) are automatically added to my TaskWarrior DB whenever I use my Laptop! Auto backup of my DB is done via NextCloud Sync Client (no need to operate Task Sync Server atm).
До отпуска 5 рабочих дней, а мой #taskwarrior уже опустел. Очень редкое явление 😀 Надеюсь начальник не увидит этот пост.
@netali @nova_ @maeve definitely do try it out! I have never managed to keep and work on a to do list for more than a few months before I started using #taskwarrior
#ADHD really is the never-ending Hal-stack, isn't it? I just checked my #Taskwarrior workspace's terminal, and I had left an incomplete command:
$ task add
`task add` what!? What was it? What did I forget to do?
#Taskwarrior vs. #TodoTXT (Todo.TXT)
Sound off!
I've been using my own system which is mainly just $EDITOR and a script that takes out completed tasks every day by grepping out lines that begin with "X "
The problem is that it would be nice to just see a couple most important tasks at a time, instead of having a blood-chilling text file FULL of todo items in your face all day 😅
Started writing this little thing about #taskwarrior in August last year and intended for it to be a megapost, but never got round to moving it on. Rediscovered it today in draft and thought I'd put it up anyway. There will be more. https://yulqen.org/blog/run_your_life_with_taskwarrior/
@jacqui I suffer from something very similar... likely as a result of a work environment where things randomly light on fire regardless of my actions. In the rare times of non-fire, I can have difficulty picking among the many things that need to get done "at some point™". I've found that tools that help me quickly jot-down things that I need to do (e.g., GTD apps like #OmniFocus, #TaskWarrior, or #GettingThingsGnome), and the satisfaction of checking things off the list helps a lot.
#gettingthingsgnome #taskwarrior #omnifocus
Hello, j'ai publié un outil pour ajouter automatiquement des annotations à vos tâches #taskwarrior, dispo ici : https://github.com/nbossard/taskwarrior-hook-addannotation
Discovered taskwarrior today and started to use it. My first impression is that it looks quite nice and flexible. Any beginner tips or opinions on this software?
#taskwarrior #gtd #todo
For more fun you can pipe the output of task to your .plan and automatically keep your #finger info up to date. #Taskwarrior
I need to keep track of the things I want to do. Luckily #Taskwarrior is already installed over at @SDF. I added it to my .zprofile so that every time I log in, I can see where I'm at. I love #SDF ! #productivity
#taskwarrior #sdf #productivity
Which software do you use for #gtd / #task / #todo management?
I would prefer an open source solution that has support for
- Syncing
- Display/Edit on Android and Linux
- Projectlists
- Tags
- (Subtasks)
Bonus points for WebInterfaces.
So far I've found
- #taskwarrior
- #todo.txt
- #joplin
- #tasks.org
- #orgzly / #orgmode
What do you use? Please retoot :)
#orgmode #orgzly #tasks #joplin #taskwarrior #todo #task #gtd
#TaskWarrior and #WingTask for sync/mobile are just so perfect for task management for work and home.
It somehow is the best cli app and mobile(pwa) app combo I've encountered. Ran some burndowns for looking at 2022 from cli and added new 2023 projects/tasks/tags in WingTask. Thanks Tim Case for such an eloquent way to make TaskWarrior relevant in a multi-device world
I really wish there was an iOS app for #Taskwarrior that works as well as Taskwarrior for Android https://bitbucket.org/kvorobyev/taskwarriorandroid/
I know almost nothing about iOS development. Is it even realistic to hope that it could be ported?
I think I've now realized I've gone full circle to what I was using about 3-4 years ago which was https://github.com/GothenburgBitFactory/taskwarrior #taskwarrior . maybe there are some ways to use that instead of reinventing the wheel for myself