Ooh #Tusky has changed...So far I have noticed edit (Without retooting so I don't retoot every time I notice a typo) photos and memes marked Alt if they are tooted with alt text (so I can boost quickly with confidence) Me Likey!!!
These are #upgrades I like.... Now, if you will just give me a #TastingPort!!!!!
@christianmiddel All these techies in the #fediverse should definitely make me a #TastingPort... Don't you agree?
@rowenamonde Where is my #TastingPort? Lamb Korma is good, so is lamb ragout. All lamb is good lamb!!
@StanGorton I mean we got the beam me up scotty phones! These techies need to get busy on that #tastingport!!
I love this comment and I hope @Gargron is not swayed by people insisting this site be like that site.
Instead of wasting all that time and energy I think all you #techies should buiild us a #TastingPort! LOL!!
@Gargron I hope you do not do QT. But a #TastingPort would be excellent... Heck #StarTrek had it 60 years ago!!!
@lmarburger Oh yum!! Hey #techies Where is my #tastingPort?
@Gargron forget about QT we need a Tasting Port tout de suite!!!!
@PhDHealthPR I am pretty sure you needa taster.... I might be willing tosacrifice myself.... Where in the #fediverse is my #tastingPort?