Nomad Cat · @nomad1cat
1 followers · 26 posts · Server

I have been subscribed to his daily emails for a few months now.
Feels like he is my Kung Fu Jedi Sensei who has done a lot of hard training.

Today's daily email from Tate, about human coming:

"If you aren't panicking, you just don't get it yet.

The world is splitting into two.

AI users.

And useless humans.

But up until this point,

You were only ever competing against other humans,

you only had to be better than the average guy to live above average.

That's all changing.

AI is becoming a benchmark. "

#robots #realworld #ai #tatespeech

Last updated 1 year ago

GaaliGraphy · @GaaliGraphy
6 followers · 116 posts · Server
GaaliGraphy · @GaaliGraphy
6 followers · 89 posts · Server