Yumi Hara : ‘Groove Study’ - new album on bandcamp featuring Chris Cutler, Toshiaki Sudoh, Tatsuya Yoshida, Tim Hodgkinson https://yumihara1.bandcamp.com/album/groove-study #YumiHara #ChrisCutler #ToshiakiSudoh #TatsuyaYoshida #TimHodgkinson
#yumihara #chriscutler #toshiakisudoh #tatsuyayoshida #timhodgkinson
Yumi Hara : ‘Statement Heels’ featuring Tatsuya Yoshida - new on bandcamp… https://yumihara1.bandcamp.com/album/statement-heels #YumiHara #TatsuyaYoshida
Here's a #review for Nivraym Revisited by #Koenjihyakkei. "Leader #TatsuyaYoshida has revisited one of the band’s earlier releases and applied lessons learned. Nivraym originally came out in 2001 and seemed like a really fine album at the time, so what could be accomplished by returning to it? Listening to these new tracks back-to-back with the originals reveals the answer: Nivraym Revisited sounds even more impressive than the original..." #ExposeOnline #ProgRock #zeuhl http://expose.org/index.php/articles/display/koenjihyakkei-nivraym-revisited-2.html
#zeuhl #progrock #exposeonline #tatsuyayoshida #koenjihyakkei #review
Ruins at the Chameleon in San Francisco 1993
#RuinsJapan #TatsuyaYoshida #TheChameleonSanFrancisco
i went to japan in feb '93 and went to dinner with yoshida and asked of i could book shows from RUINS in CA. I set up about 4 tours form them from '93 to 2001.
#ruinsjapan #tatsuyayoshida #thechameleonsanfrancisco