Tonight is #PenAndPaper #TTRPG #CallOfCthulhu night! We will move to Chapter I of #TattersOfTheKing. A tiny error with the dates had me very perplexed @Chaosium ! The events in the Prologue happen in 1928 and Chapter I begins two days later, but the materials there (p. 28) show the year as 1929 (PDF from #DriveThruRPG ). On an unrelated note, as my players played #MasksOfNyarlathotep with me, I use locations and NPCs from #MoN for #London and it rocks! Nothing like a good callback!
#penandpaper #ttrpg #callofcthulhu #tattersoftheking #drivethrurpg #masksofnyarlathotep #mon #london
#callofcthulhu #ttrpg After #MasksOfNyarlathotep I wanted to explore the other highly mysterious entity of the #cthulhu #mythos namely #thekinginyellow often seen as an aspect of #hastur. I have been a bit obsessed with #theyellowsign and #carcosa and therefore I wanted to go back to the source for an epic campaign around Hastur. The core of the campaign is #TattersoftheKing but before that I nested #TellMeHaveYouSeenTheYellowSign? and #Tatterdemalion the seminal modules, one within the other.
#callofcthulhu #ttrpg #masksofnyarlathotep #cthulhu #mythos #thekinginyellow #hastur #theyellowsign #carcosa #tattersoftheking #tellmehaveyouseentheyellowsign #tatterdemalion
@Chaosium I agree. #MasksOfNyarlathotep is definitely a rite of passage, an achievement. It took my group 3 years of weekly 3-hour sessions to finish the campaign. I had great fun running this as the Keeper and I really recommend it for everyone that wants to run a long-term campaign. It is a #ttrpg pinnacle. Now we are running #TattersoftheKing another amazing campaign.
#masksofnyarlathotep #ttrpg #tattersoftheking