I'm addressing folks at an #Israeli - based #TwelveStep recovery meeting in about an hour, and I will be in #Hijab. Interesting times!
Unknown to me when I accepted to speak, it also happens to be #Jewish #Shavuot today... which is the commemoration of when #Musa (AS) (Moses) received the #Tawrat (Torah). In Islam we recognize Musa as a prophet and the Tawrat as one of the revealed Books of Allah SWT. See Quran 3:3 (https://quran.com/3/3).
So today we can find some common ground, which can be hard to do when the representatives of the Israeli settler state, backed by US and European #Imperialists, are persecuting #Palestinians every day.
Will I be mentioning any of this in a 12 Step meeting? No, it's off-topic for a recovery meeting. But privately I'm taking the "coincidence" as an auspicious sign that Allah SWT favors my sharing at this meeting.
#israeli #twelvestep #hijab #jewish #shavuot #musa #tawrat #imperialists #palestinians