👎Nogle ser bare tillidsposter som troner, de kan besætte?
Det er skadeligt for vores demokratiske principper i frivillige eller professionelle sammenhænge, når magten bliver den vigtigste motivationsfaktor.
Magtkamp brød ud i lys lue: Nu koster den taxakæmpe millioner
#dkbiz #taxa #MuhammadAslam #KongenafMjølnerparken
#kongenafmjolnerparken #muhammadaslam #taxa #dkbiz
There are 63K #USDA #NationalAgriculturalLibraryThesaurus entries that have been preliminarily automatched to #Wikidata items in the Mix'n'Match tool. These items need human review and correction as necessary. They are mostly #taxa and organic chemicals.
How can we clear this backlog? Can you help? https://mix-n-match.toolforge.org/#/list/3525/auto
#usda #nationalagriculturallibrarythesaurus #Wikidata #taxa #biochemistry #taxonomy #agriculture #biology
Missed the conference in #Metz2022? Mark your calenders for the 52nd Annual Meeting of #GfOe in #Leipzig September 12-16th 2023.
🏞️ The #future of #biodiversity - overcoming barriers of #taxa, realms and scales 🏞️
For more Info 👇
#metz2022 #gfoe #leipzig #future #biodiversity #taxa