@uspolitics The billionaires consume FAR more resources than they pay for. Meanwhile, the middle class pay MORE than their fair share. #taxBillionaires
Well, remote work or not, #TaxCorporations #TaxBillionaires
#taxcorporations #taxbillionaires
Guess they just figured this out? Oligarchy means the top .01% own over 80% of all wealth. They won’t be giving this money back to us, unless we TAKE IT. #ItsOurMoney #TaxCorporations #TaxBillionaires #GetInvolved
#itsourmoney #taxcorporations #taxbillionaires #getinvolved
Insurance industry has $500B invested in fossil fuels but they won’t be taking any profitability risk on #ClimateCrisis #TaxCorporations #TaxBillionaires Like a bad neighbor, State Farm is gone from California https://ow.ly/luyn50Pa4cc
#ClimateCrisis #taxcorporations #taxbillionaires
But you said “halt AI”? Elon, consistently a MAGA-owned lying POS. #NukeTwitter #TaxBillionaires #TaxCorporations Elon Musk creates AI startup with former OpenAI engineers https://ow.ly/zwy650Pa3bg
#nuketwitter #taxbillionaires #taxcorporations
You think? #TaxBillionaires #TaxCorporations
#taxbillionaires #taxcorporations
We see a lot of snarkers who blame everything on “MAGA”. Ok, but think about it how this is possible? This type of insane influence is funded by billionaires, period. #BrokenDemocracy #BrokenCapitalism #TaxBillionaires #CampaignFinance #GetInvolved
#brokendemocracy #brokencapitalism #taxbillionaires #campaignfinance #getinvolved
From healthcare to #ClimateCrisis to #SCOTUS to #Fascism it’s all funded billionaires. The 98% of couldn’t possibly afford to lobby and fund campaign finance post #CitizensUnited. #TaxBillionaires
#ClimateCrisis #SCOTUS #fascism #citizensunited #taxbillionaires
From 2.5 yrs ago. I'm guilty & don't regret it
#environmentalists #ecologists #MatriarchRising #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #vanisle #Nanaimo #StopEcocide #VeteranActivists #StopDeforestation #TaxBillionaires #EndCorporateWelfare #CeaseEcocideSubsidies #ForestDefenders #EarthProtectors #WaterProtectors #WarriorsForMotherEarth #OneEarth #BritishColumbia #Canada #KKKanada #ColonialInjustice #FightThePower #TreesOverGreed #WorthMoreStanding #ProtectNature
#environmentalists #ecologists #matriarchrising #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #vanisle #nanaimo #stopecocide #veteranactivists #stopdeforestation #taxbillionaires #endcorporatewelfare #ceaseecocidesubsidies #forestdefenders #earthprotectors #waterprotectors #warriorsformotherearth #OneEarth #britishcolumbia #canada #KKKanada #colonialinjustice #fightthepower #treesovergreed #WorthMoreStanding #protectnature
@tbluvoter #taxbillionaires It is insane that these tax cuts are allowed to remain.
Imagine letting a guy with this sort of taste decide what's best for your country
If the rich want to stay rich, they have to make sure we can all afford to have them.
#toopoortoaffordtherich #taxbillionaires #throwbackthursday
Jeff Bezos is worth US$122 BILLION dollars, while a market trader selling rice in Uganda makes US$80 monthly. Guess which one of them is taxed at 40%? Join the global call to tax the ultra-rich now. #TaxTheRich #TaxBillionaires https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/tax_the_rich_loc/?wsFTGsb
Jeff Bezos ist 122 Milliarden US-Dollar wert, während eine Reishändlerin in Uganda 80 US-Dollar im Monat verdient. Wer von beiden wird wohl mit 40 % besteuert? Schließen Sie sich dem Aufruf an, Superreiche jetzt zu besteuern.
Jeff Bezos ist 122 Milliarden US-Dollar wert, während eine Reishändlerin in Uganda 80 US-Dollar im Monat verdient. Wer von beiden wird wohl mit 40 % besteuert? Schließen Sie sich dem Aufruf an, Superreiche jetzt zu besteuern. #TaxTheRich #TaxBillionaires https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/de/tax_the_rich_loc/
Jeff Bezos is € 111 MILJARD waard, maar een Ugandese rijstverkoper verdient € 70 per maand. Raad eens wie van beiden 40% belasting betaalt? Sluit je nu aan bij de oproep om de superrijken zwaarder te belasten. #TaxTheRich #TaxBillionaires https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/nl/tax_the_rich_loc/?wDcTgcb
Jeff Bezos ist 122 Milliarden US-Dollar wert, während eine Reishändlerin in Uganda 80 US-Dollar im Monat verdient. Wer von beiden wird wohl mit 40 % besteuert? Schließen Sie sich dem Aufruf an, Superreiche jetzt zu besteuern. #TaxTheRich #TaxBillionaires https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/de/tax_the_rich_loc/?wPdKKkb