@SteveThompson he has done a brain implant illegally. Mark my words. Thx so so much, FDA. #TaxesBack
Someone in my family history was forced to face south and walk. Away from her only home, her family's only home for thousands of years. #LandBack #TaxesBack
I would really love a civil rights/ human rights violations investigation for myself. I'm not upset other ppl get them. It's just, well, how do I get my rights back? #HavanaSyndrome I really want my #TaxesBack being tortured for years now.
@r06ue1 they spend a lot of money and blood to psyop us into thinking it's a representative democracy, too. #TaxesBack
#CharlesMcGonigal enjoy your charade today. #PsyOp #TaxesBack Chris Wray is a member of #theFederalistSociety.
#thefederalistsociety #taxesback #psyop #charlesmcgonigal
If you are a victim of #PoliceBrutality, you should get a tax exemption from paying for the smell of Bacon. #TaxesBack #GangStalked #LongIslandNY #HighestPaidDept #CatchLISK
#catchlisk #highestpaiddept #longislandny #gangstalked #taxesback #policebrutality
Who ordered for drones to surveil sharks in their own homes? Probably cops bc they do that to humans too. Anyway, I'd like my #TaxesBack #USPol #NY #News
Shark-monitoring drones to hit New York beaches amid uptick of sightings - ABC News
Who ordered for drones to surveil sharks in their own homes? Probably cops bc they do that to humans too. Anyway, I'd like my #TaxesBack
Shark-monitoring drones to hit New York beaches amid uptick of sightings - ABC News
The biggest troll of my life was when the FBI released a report about white supremacy and domestic terrorists being the largest threat to Americans, and then doing nothing about it. (Spiderman points at Spiderman pointing at Spiderman) Years later my daughter and I are raped and tortured remotely with directed energy weapons. I need my #TaxesBack
Stalking is legal and neuroweapons are legal because your fake budget in the defense of American safety includes weapons they point at your child and you. #TaxesBack #HavanaSyndrome #LongIslandNY #NY #DirectedEnergyWeapons
#directedenergyweapons #ny #longislandny #havanasyndrome #taxesback
The FBI hung up on me twice even though that's what the Anamolous Health Incident Report people behind the email instructed me to do. I DO NOT want to hear that ANYTHING DONE BY THE US GOVT IS FOR AMERICANS SAFETY. My daughter and I have been under #DirectedEnergyWeapons #HavanaSyndrome attacks for THREE YEARS in #LongIslandNY. Mine is 24/7 torture, assault and rape. I am hoping my daughter's is intermittent. Needless, I want my #TaxesBack.
#taxesback #longislandny #havanasyndrome #directedenergyweapons
NJ State is taking over corrupt Patterson Police Department. There is a way. North Jersey is also where police have reformed with success. Not Patterson, obviously.
#AbolishPoliceUnions #ArrestCorruptCops #TaxesBack
[I am jealous over here on LI]
#taxesback #arrestcorruptcops #abolishpoliceunions
NJ State is taking over corrupt Patterson Police Department. There is a way. North Jersey is also where police have had reformed with success. Not Patterson, obviously.
#AbolishPoliceUnions #ArrestCorruptCops #TaxesBack
[I am jealous over here on LI]
#taxesback #arrestcorruptcops #abolishpoliceunions
#TaxesBack #AbolishPoliceUnions just a gang of criminals.
Any kidnapping victims, in his CD's?
#abolishpoliceunions #taxesback
@TheAtlantic let's fire law enforcement as the evidence shows they are useless at protecting us from Nazi Gangs. As someone who is stalked with her child with neuroweapons, I need my #TaxesBack. My whole life they kept saying Ms13 is a gang, I never encountered ms13 or felt a threat. White guys in Gangs, I've definitely seen that. #LongIslandNY
When the FBI hangs up on you twice, your views on things change. #AnomolousHealthIncidents #HavanaSyndrome #GangStalkedonLI #SignalStalking #HeyLee #TaxesBack
#taxesback #heylee #signalstalking #gangstalkedonli #havanasyndrome #anomoloushealthincidents
It annoys me to hear about the Hague and America's influence there when I have been victimized with NeuroWeapons for 3 years on Long Island, NY. I filed an AHI Report. Then when it got bad, followed up. They said to call my local FBI. Who hung up on me twice. Life here is a farce. Guess what Demetra and Lee, I am smarter AND prettier than you two. Eat Shit. #JealousPussy #TaxesBack #HavanaSyndrome #gangstalkedonLI #LostGirls
#lostgirls #gangstalkedonli #havanasyndrome #taxesback #jealouspussy
Ghislaine Maxwell special on Netflix. Two victims, sisters, first reported them to the FBI in 1996. #TaxesBack #SoundsFamiliar #CivilRights #HumanRights #HavanaSyndrome #ACAB
#ACAB #havanasyndrome #HumanRights #civilrights #soundsfamiliar #taxesback
The McGonigal news musters up some real emotion in me for real f#cking bad bitch reasons. #HavanaSyndrome #GangStalkedonLI. I was right to state we need Community Safety Networks and I need my #TaxesBack. These swine uprooted me from a home I owned. Repent. Do not use American sonar you cockroaches. I hope he's in Kings County general holding.
#taxesback #gangstalkedonli #havanasyndrome