#NadhimZahawi is a tax dodger, pass it on.
#TaxEvader #TaxEvasion #TaxFraud #TaxTheRich #OneRuleForThem #PayYourTax #YouBelongInJail
#NadhimZahawi #taxevader #taxevasion #taxfraud #TaxTheRich #oneRuleForThem #payyourtax #youbelonginjail
I wonder if one of the 2000 people expected at the Cornwall spaceport to see the plane taking off will be the tax evoider from the Caribbean?
#nondom #taxevader #taxavoider #richardbranson
Trump supporters don't care about any of the wrongs that Trump perpetuates---as he stated....
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters, okay?” Trump said, mimicking firing a gun
🌀WE have to make #profiteering #taxEvader #DictatorWannaBe Trump and the #TrumpRepublicanNaziThugKlan
#accountable #trumprepublicannazithugklan #dictatorwannabe #taxevader #profiteering
Trump supporters don't care about any of the wrongs that Trump perpetuates---as he stated....
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters, okay?” Trump said, mimicking firing a gun
🌀WE have to make #profiteering #taxEvader #DictatorWannaBe Trump and the #TrumpRepublicanNaziThugKlan
#accountable #trumprepublicannazithugklan #dictatorwannabe #taxevader #profiteering