RT @GA4TJ@twitter.com
TODAY join our @kitondowe@twitter.com for the session "#GlobalSouth perspectives on international #TaxReform", which is part of the Global Days of Action for #TaxJustice in the #ExtractiveIndustry
⏰11 am GMT
🖊️Register now: http://bit.ly/GDOA-tax-extractives-4
#globalsouth #taxreform #taxjustice #extractiveindustry #untaxconvention #taxextractivesnow
#TaxJustice We are calling the taxation of excess profits in the mining industry
The sector has long had a history of generating super-profits through colonial plunder, financial secrecy and aggressive financial reporting
#TaxExtractivesNow Thank you for joining, liking and sharing our launch event.
Please find the recording here and share widely: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E9_-y9-Sa4Y&feature=youtu.be
#taxjustice #taxextractivesnow