Why the redacting? What’s up
A U.S. #HouseofRepresentatives committee voted on Tuesday to release partially #redacted #taxfilings from former President Donald #Trump and said tax authorities had failed to properly scrutinize his returns while he was in office.
But the committee also said the U.S. #InternalRevenueService did not follow its own rules when it failed to #audit Trump's tax returns during three of his four years in office.
U.S. House committee to release redacted Trump tax filings
#houseofrepresentatives #redacted #taxfilings #trump #internalrevenueservice #audit
Riseup Networks / Riseup Labs financial backers
#riseup, #TheRiseupCollective, #riseupnet, #RiseupNetworks, #RiseupLabs, #TidesFoundation, #Liberate, #riseuplabsorg, #taxfilings, #corporatefilings, #NPIC, #nonprofitindustrialcomplex, #governmentcontractor, #counterinsurgency, #controlledopposition, #DigitalDefendersPartnership, #Hivos, #unitedstatesofamerika, #netherlands, #estonia, #unitedkingdom, #sweden, #latvia, #czechrepublic, #statedepartment, #departmentofstate, #dutchministryofforeignaffairs, #foreigncommonwealthoffice, #republicofestonia, #republicoflatvia, #Sida, #SwedishInternationalDevelopmentCooperationAgency, #RIPENCC, #stateofwashington, #universityofwashington, #washingtonstate, #RIPENetworkCoordinationCentre, #cooptation
this item includes IRS Forms 990 for the following organizations:
Riseup Networks (2005-2018)
Riseup Labs (2008-2018)
Tides Foundation (2016), which funded Riseup Labs that year.
there are also state of washington Corporations & Charities Division filings for the following legal entities:
Riseup Networks / riseup.net (FEIN 200394008), 2009-2021
Liberate / riseuplabs.org / Riseup Labs (FEIN 204204809), 2009-2021
#riseup #TheRiseupCollective #riseupnet #RiseupNetworks #RiseupLabs #TidesFoundation #Liberate #riseuplabsorg #taxfilings #corporatefilings #npic #nonprofitindustrialcomplex #governmentcontractor #counterinsurgency #controlledopposition #DigitalDefendersPartnership #Hivos #unitedstatesofamerika #netherlands #estonia #unitedkingdom #sweden #latvia #czechrepublic #statedepartment #DepartmentofState #dutchministryofforeignaffairs #foreigncommonwealthoffice #republicofestonia #republicoflatvia #sida #SwedishInternationalDevelopmentCooperationAgency #ripencc #stateofwashington #universityofwashington #washingtonstate #RIPENetworkCoordinationCentre #cooptation