· @EndemicEarthling
299 followers · 604 posts · Server todon.eu

How much tax companies pay is largely irrelevant to the question we were discussing, since a company that is both taxed and receives significant subsidies will do better than a competitor (e.g. a renewable energy company) that is taxed and doesn't receive those subsidies. I probably should have said something like that. (I could also have made a point about government funds not being derived from taxation, but I really didn't get the vibe that that was going to be particularly fruitful approach for this gentleman.)

Instead I replied that dirty energy companies pay relatively little tax due to exploiting tax loopholes (that they also lobby to put in). He scoffed in disbelief and changed the subject.

With that context, now you'll understand how embarrassed I was to have just stumbled across this table for 2020–21 and realise I was wrong.

Of the twenty-four largest dirty energy companies in Australia, only one of them paid “relatively little” income tax that year.

#dirtyEnergy #taxavoidance #taxjustice #auspol #dirtyenergysubsidies #dirtyenergydirtypolitics

Last updated 1 year ago

· @EndemicEarthling
299 followers · 603 posts · Server todon.eu

After giving a climate talk to a community group the other day, one guy came up to me to "give feedback" (i.e. complain that I didn't focus enough on telling people how to cut their personal - to use the phrase that really wants us to focus on).

This led into a discussion about why individual consumer choices always have the system stacked against them. As part of that point, I mentioned the enormous scale of (>$7t globally each year, though I focused on $11b annually in Australia, which is a widely cited figure based on a narrower definition of subsidy; he seemed like the kind of guy who wouldn't care as much if I wasn't talking about his country.)

Upon hearing of these subsidies (which were apparently news to him), he said "yeah, but how much tax do they contribute?"


#carbonfootprint #bp #dirtyenergysubsidies #auspol #taxjustice #FossilFuelSubsidies #dirtyenergydirtypolitics #dirtyEnergy #systemchangenotclimatechange

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Evans/Mihangel Ifans · @michaelcymro
183 followers · 897 posts · Server toot.wales

I want my MP to support wealth taxes on the super rich. Use @TaxJusticeUK 's tool to send a message to your MP. It only takes 1 minute.


#taxjustice #tax

Last updated 1 year ago

AskYourLocalGerman · @AskUrLoclGerman
38 followers · 417 posts · Server forall.social

Das Geld regnet für einige vom Himmel und sie wissen nicht wohin damit und haben schlaflose Nächte, ob ihr Steuerberater es wohl auch diese Jahr schafft ihren Steuersatz auf unter 5 % zu zaubern.
Es ist zum kotzen.

Wir brauchen 1 Steuersatz für alle Einkommen und Gewinne.
25% ist machbar.
Ohne Ausnahmen.

Arbeiter und Angestellte hätten mehr Kaufkraft und weniger Armutsrisiko und Reiche würden auch nicht tot von der Stange fallen.

#gerechtigkeit #taxjustice

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick Thomas Sudlow · @patricksudlow
198 followers · 7243 posts · Server social.weho.st

"The Great Inheritors: How Three Families Shielded Their Fortunes From Taxes for Generations"
And it is the ultra wealthy, who influence politics, not ! propublica.org/article/the-gre

#russia #taxjustice

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 40 posts · Server ohai.social

RT @FairTaxCanada@twitter.com

“If not for tax avoidance, what is the purpose of Microsoft owning Canadian and global operations through Irish structures that were previously tax resident in Bermuda?" -- valid question from @CICTAR_Tax@twitter.com theglobeandmail.com/business/a

🐦🔗: twitter.com/FairTaxCanada/stat

#cdnpoli #taxjustice

Last updated 2 years ago

Kernow Damo · @KernowDamo
761 followers · 3195 posts · Server activism.openworlds.info

RT @Centre4the99@twitter.com

| is essential

Money is needed for investment in public services. The rich and the mega corporations have made fortunes since COVID began. So the time is right for wealth and windfall taxes. twitter.com/icrict/status/1616

🐦🔗: twitter.com/Centre4the99/statu

#inequality #taxjustice

Last updated 2 years ago

paulb3017 · @paulb3017
10 followers · 64 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Thanks mostly to the Tory's reverse Robin Hood policies, the richest 1% of Britons now hold more wealth than 70% of Britons.

The extreme wealth of the super rich is paid for by taking more from the poorest and pushing more people into extreme poverty.

It's time to properly tax the extremely wealthy.


#oxfamreport #oxfam #taxjustice

Last updated 2 years ago

Kernow Damo · @KernowDamo
755 followers · 2980 posts · Server activism.openworlds.info

RT @D_Raval@twitter.com

- Can you spot the odd one out?

🐦🔗: twitter.com/D_Raval/status/161

#taxjustice #zahawitaxscandal

Last updated 2 years ago

L0v3l4c3 · @L0v3l4ce
59 followers · 408 posts · Server aus.social

@FreedomEnslaves : I've seen advs about effective altruism organisations (I won't name them) targeted at me. I am very suspicious about them.

Like honestly, its the equvalent of asking mere individuals to solve big problems that takes an entire team and a massive resource pool to solve. Not even the resources of a billionaire like Bill Gates can solve these big problems of society. And unfortunately, these problems needs to be solved through political means (the specifics will depend on country and context).


The super boring and not as marketable solution is to campaign for .


Last updated 2 years ago

Terry Grundy, FRSA · @terrygrundy
242 followers · 1145 posts · Server mas.to

Putting It Mildly: “Trump tax returns raise alarms about fairness of U.S. tax code”


#UStaxation #fairness #taxjustice

Last updated 2 years ago

Luna Leon · @lunaleon
0 followers · 14 posts · Server masto.nu

This is a great example of how the wealthy can use loopholes to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. What other ways can we ensure the wealthy pay their fair share?

#taxfairness #taxjustice #wealthgap #taxreform

Last updated 2 years ago

andrewsbowie · @andrewsbowie
82 followers · 769 posts · Server mas.to

RT @BylinesEast@twitter.com

What can be done about the massive waste of tax that no one talks about, but which has a big cost for society?

-- @RichardJMurphy@twitter.com looks at the causes of the waste, and offers some solutions.


🐦🔗: twitter.com/BylinesEast/status

#governmentspending #regulation #taxjustice

Last updated 2 years ago

Natalie Sedacca · @nataliesedacca
1154 followers · 364 posts · Server mastodon.online

Analysis by Open Democracy shows how large corporations have boasted about charitable donations that amount to as little as 0.007% of their profit while benefitting from ‘historically low corporate taxation’ opendemocracy.net/en/amazon-co

#taxjustice #bizhumanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick Thomas Sudlow · @patricksudlow
187 followers · 6939 posts · Server social.weho.st

"War on Want has exposed how, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, McDonald’s was using a circular, paper transaction to create a London tax shelter, depriving UK public funds of £295 million in tax over ten years..."
Demand HMRC Investigates McDonald’s secure.waronwant.org/page/1018


Last updated 2 years ago

TomvanderLee · @TomvanderLee
9 followers · 5 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Nog een reden waarom een hogere rechtvaardig is: ‘Nederlanders zijn gemiddeld de rijkste burgers van de Europese Unie’!

Met de opbrengst kunnen de lasten op arbeid omlaag én het inkomen, zeker vd laag tot modaal betaalden, omhoog!


#vermogensbelasting #taxjustice #inequality #rechtvaardig #vermogensongelijkheid #panamapapers

Last updated 2 years ago

sk8punk · @sk8punk
95 followers · 3580 posts · Server social.anoxinon.de

RT @RasmusAndresen@twitter.com

Die EU ratifiziert die 15% Mindeststeuer für globale Konzerne.
@IKEA@twitter.com , @Starbucks@twitter.com & co müssen endlich fair besteuert werden!

🐦🔗: twitter.com/RasmusAndresen/sta


Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Ribeiro 💙:toad: · @anaribeiro
254 followers · 3145 posts · Server toad.social
Alex Cobham · @alexcobham
293 followers · 339 posts · Server mastodon.social

Excited to have signed a contract with @SAGE_Publishing@twitter.com for a short book:

'What Do We know, and What Should We Do About '

Due out October 2023. I may be quiet on here until April or so...


Last updated 2 years ago

ferharleman · @ferharleman
12 followers · 336 posts · Server mastodon.nl

RT @TomvanderLee@twitter.com

Yes; go, go!

⁦@PvdA@twitter.com⁩ en ⁦@groenlinks@twitter.com⁩ willen einde maken aan 'belastingparadijs Nederland'!


🐦🔗: twitter.com/TomvanderLee/statu


Last updated 2 years ago