Report details fast-growing CEO #taxloophole giving multi-#millionaires huge retirement advantages
Tax the rich. Time for the very rich to pay their share. Petition.
HMRC – Close the £600m tax loophole!
The‘carried interest loophole means private equity executives’ income is taxed as capital gains, at only 28%, rather than trading income, at 48%
This loophole wasn’t made by Parliament – but by HMRC, after successful lobbying from the private equity industry in 1987.
Closing the loophole, HMRC collects an estimated £600 million more each year, from just a couple thousand people
#privateequity #wealthy #taxloophole #tax sign our petition calling on HMRC to address the £600m tax loophole.#TaxLoophole #GoodLawProject #petition
#petition #goodlawproject #taxloophole
HMRC – Close the £600m tax loophole!
We’re in the midst of a brutal cost of living crisis. But, while the average person is stretching their income as far as they can and paying their fair share of tax, private equity fund managers earning seven and eight figure salaries pay just 28% tax – thanks to a sweetheart deal from HMRC.
Good Law Project Petition
HMRC – Close the £600m tax loophole!
We’re in the midst of a brutal cost of living crisis. But, while the average person is stretching their income as far as they can and paying their fair share of tax, private equity fund managers earning seven and eight figure salaries pay just 28% tax – thanks to a sweetheart deal from HMRC.
Good Law Project Petition:
HMRC – Close the £600m tax loophole!
We’re in the midst of a brutal cost of living crisis. But, while the average person is stretching their income as far as they can and paying their fair share of tax, private equity fund managers earning seven and eight figure salaries pay just 28% tax – thanks to a sweetheart deal from HMRC.
Good Law Project Petition:
HMRC – Close the £600m tax loophole!
We’re in the midst of a brutal cost of living crisis. But, while the average person is stretching their income as far as they can and paying their fair share of tax, private equity fund managers earning seven and eight figure salaries pay just 28% tax – thanks to a sweetheart deal from HMRC.
Good Law Project Petition: