Oh for the love of #flies it’s #TaxonomyTuesday
These amazing females are Clitelloxenia assmuthi & these #Phorids are termitophilous - they live with, & some feed on, termites
This is one of the 190 recorded termitophilous & other termite-associated Phorids - one of the most ecologically diverse family of animals on the planet!
#flies #taxonomytuesday #phorids #collection
For #TaxonomyTuesday I give you Tabanus autumnalis - the large marsh horsefly. As it’s name suggests it likes hanging around marshes! On the left is the female, & with his holoptic eyes the male is on the right. Males are really only interested in finding ladies & so to aid this are all eyes - a male on a mission with superior vision 😏
Nearly finished recurating the British Collection at the #naturalhistorymuseum - all data will be available online via the data portal
#taxonomytuesday #naturalhistorymuseum #flies #tabanidae