Its a rare moment when the small-state #taxPayersAlliance & the #LabourParty are singing from the same hymn sheet, but on the #outsourcing of Govt. services, both agree the outsourced contracts have produced dire results & provided inadequate services....
of course the TPA & Labour are coming at it from different angles, but we can safely say that anyone who thought outsourcing was the answer to an ineffective state has some questions to answer!
#taxpayersalliance #labourparty #outsourcing
"Rightwing lobby group campaigns to undermine UK four-day week"
The Plutocrats Alliance strikes again, this time against those terribly nice LibDems in my manor, South Cambridgeshire.
A coke-fueled government death squad is reportedly heading for Cambourne.
#taxpayersalliance #southcambs #fourdayweek #LibDems
Ah, the Daily Fail and The Taxpayers Alliance, two bastions of probity!
#DailyMail, owned by #DMGT which is registered in Bermuda, by a Monaco residing British Passport holding French tax paying owner!
#TaxPayersAlliance who ask for transparency over public spendin, but are not transparent as who finds them!
#DailyMail #dmgt #taxpayersalliance
#BBC reporting on Low Traffic Neighbourhoods manages to find space to quote the Taxdodgers' Alliance! 😳 A Tufty Club badge awarded for such a #TuftonStreet (pro #austerity, #ClimateChange denial) inspired story, although we will have to take it back for being no good at #road safety!
#TPA #transport #cars #TuftyClub #TaxpayersAlliance #LTN
#ltn #taxpayersalliance #tuftyclub #cars #transport #tpa #road #climatechange #austerity #TuftonStreet #bbc
Trying to get the hashtag #TuftyClub going whenever the #TaxpayersAlliance and other far right wing #astroturf lobbyists are in the news (many of them share the Taxpayers' Alliance address at 55 #TuftonStreet in Westminster- billionaire funded groups for Trussite crazy economics, climate change deniers, Brexiters and others (knowingly or unknowingly) doing #Putin's work of crippling the UK economy)
#putin #TuftonStreet #astroturf #taxpayersalliance #tuftyclub More #snouts in the #tory #trough fed by the #MagicMoneyTree. Or the #UK #taxpayer as it’s better known. Where are the #taxpayersalliance on this one?
#snouts #tory #trough #MagicMoneyTree #uk #taxpayer #taxpayersalliance More #snouts in the #tory #trough fed by the #MagicMoneyTree. Or the #UK #taxpayer as it’s better known. Where the #taxpayersalliance on this one?
#snouts #tory #trough #MagicMoneyTree #uk #taxpayer #taxpayersalliance
We don't know who funds the influential #ThinkTanks the Institute of Economic Affairs #IEA and the #TaxpayersAlliance. That's a disgrace, for they influence our politicians #WhoFundsYou #trandparency @opendemocracy
#trandparency #WhoFundsYou #taxpayersalliance #iea #thinktanks