I ordered a five pound bag of gummy bears to help me get through extension deadlines.
We might finally be at the end of the bag.
#entrepreneruship #taxprofessionals #taxtwitter #taxodon
Today we went to the zoo. It was the whole day . It was glorious and restful and exhausting. I ignored my everything all day. I'm afraid of tomorrow. But for today, it was worth it.
#TaxTwitter #taxprofessionals #taxodon #entrepreneruship #momlife
#momlife #entrepreneruship #taxodon #taxprofessionals #taxtwitter
Just another part of the #twittermigration . I'm still over there, too. And all the other usual suspects. I'm more of a joiner than a leaver.
As an #introduction , I'm a tax preparer who sometimes pretends their #writing degree isn't useless. It's NaNo and I'm not participating. Again. I'm tired of social media breaking and not being fun. I'm a little lost without other #taxprofessionals around. Reading intros and following and crossing my fingers I can build up good habits and feeds here.
#taxprofessionals #writing #introduction #twittermigration