#InflationReductionAct helps families shift to clean energy and save on energy bills with tax credits and rebates for rooftop solar, upgraded home weatherization, energy-efficient heat pumps, electric vehicles, and more.
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#CleanEnergy #ClimateAction #TaxCredit #TaxRebate #ClimateActionNow #SolarEnergy #Solar #SolarPanels #WindEnergy #WindTurbines
#inflationreductionact #cleanenergy #climateaction #taxcredit #taxrebate #climateactionnow #solarenergy #solar #solarpanels #windenergy #windturbines
I just discovered this online calculator to help make sense of the discounts and tax rebates available in 2023 for US home energy efficiency projects (heat pumps, better insulation, upgraded windows, etc.)
This stuff is *complicated* but there is a lot of money available so it's worth figuring out.
#heatpump #taxrebate #tax #electrification #ira