Hot new term here: “urban doom loop” #urbandoomloop , the nightmare 1970s style scenario where collapsing commercial real estate values force higher residential tax burdens and capital flight. Good reminder that building taxes are bad and #taxreform for cities is urgently needed
Nice short, accessible summary of the last century of economic research on the #Pennsylvania experience with the #landtax #housing #taxreform #equity
#Pennsylvania #landtax #housing #taxreform #equity “when states take on a larger share of school funding, rich people become more willing to move into poorer jurisdictions” #taxreform #housing #education #zoning #zoningreform
#taxreform #housing #education #zoning #zoningreform
@ProjectFearlessness Whilst this thread is about the UK, the attitudes to migration & taxation are highly relevant to Australia. Demonising migrants while failing to address the inequities of the taxation system is destined to fail badly in any country. #Migration #TaxReform
Fairer taxes can help us build a brighter future.
A future where inequality is in retreat; where we’re tackling environmental breakdown; where our public services are properly funded to serve us well and our democracy is thriving. I’ve written more on our vision for a fairer tax system and why it matters here: nice quick explainer on recent efforts at #taxreform in the US with a focus on #housing and #equity
Biden says rich must 'pay their share' at first reelection campaign rally
#NPRNews #BidenReelection #RichPayTheirShare #TaxReform #IncomeInequality #Election2024 #Politics #News
#nprnews #bidenreelection #richpaytheirshare #taxreform #incomeinequality #election2024 #politics #news Does #chicago finally have a good mayor willing to fight to solve old hard problems? This interview seems like it. I especially appreciated his thoughts on #taxreform . Is Chicago the next great #lvt success story?
New GOP Bills Would Hand Richest 1% Over $28 Billion in Tax Cuts Next Year
#CommonDreams #GOPtaxCuts #wealthinequality #taxreform #economicjustice #incomegap #Politics #News
#commondreams #goptaxcuts #wealthinequality #taxreform #economicjustice #incomegap #politics #news
Pocock has asked the critical question about how we view housing. Is it a fundamental human right, or a method of investment? If it’s the former, major reforms in funding & taxation are required. #Auspol #TaxReform
Six charts that show how low corporate tax revenues are in the United States
Low levels of federal revenues from corporate income taxes add to the growing national debt. #taxes #Democrats #GOP #Republicans #NationalDebt #DebtCeiling #TaxReform
#taxreform #debtceiling #nationaldebt #republicans #gop #democrats #taxes
The gorgeous theory of the homosocial contends with the fact that those two males never have to engage with each other directly if I’m around. #taxreform
Trump says supporters more concerned about transgender issues than taxes
#Newsweek #TrumpTransgenderComments #TransgenderRights #TaxReform #NorthCarolina #PoliticalIssues #Politics #News
#newsweek #trumptransgendercomments #transgenderrights #taxreform #northcarolina #politicalissues #politics #news “Unlike a property tax, a land value tax also encourages the development of more rental units while discouraging building neglect and vacancy. That’s because under a land value tax, owning a dilapidated home or empty lot is more expensive than developing housing on that land. An increased supply of rental units would put downward pressure on rents.” #taxreform #housing #detroit #lvt
#taxreform #housing #detroit #lvt “Homeowners are the biggest winners under the Land Value Tax Plan. Ninety-seven percent of Detroit homeowners would see a reduction in their property taxes while the remaining 3% would see no change at all.” #taxreform #lvt #housing #detroit
#taxreform #lvt #housing #detroit
“The plan would be revenue-neutral for the city, shifting the tax burden away from homeowners and others who have structures on lower-valued land and toward vacant property and high-value land in the city.” #taxreform #lvt #detroit #equity
#taxreform #lvt #detroit #equity “Right now our current tax structure encourages people financially to leave their land as parking lots, even though its value has gone up tremendously in recent years. We could develop this land better, if Richmond would only allow us” #taxreform #landvaluetax #housing #cville #rva #virginia
#taxreform #landvaluetax #housing #cville #rva #virginia
Boomers, you’ve done OK – but don’t expect undying affection from us millennials I hate articles like this, the sweeping generalisations, the failure to recognise that older women are numbering highly amongst the homeless, that ageism & health issues make it hard for older people to find & hold suitable work, that some people are having to work well beyond retirement age because they can’t afford to retire. Generational divides distract us from the real issues of insufficiently regulated & inequitably taxed capitalism. #Ageism #TaxReform
ECONOMY…the Grattan Institute has issued a new report & wants policy-makers to talk about tax:
“Broadening tax bases and reducing tax concessions not well targeted to a policy purpose are much less economically damaging ways to raise more revenue.
“At the same time, we must also reduce lower-value and inefficient spending.”
The Back in Black report:
Opinion piece in the Guardian:
#auspol #tax #TaxReform #budget #economy
#auspol #tax #taxreform #budget #economy