Gizmodo: Elon Musk, King of Censorship: 10 Times the 'Free Speech Absolutist' Silenced Twitter Users #december2022twittersuspensions #twitterunderelonmusk #receptayyiperdogan #viewsofelonmusk #freedomofspeech #shadowbanning #mattyglesias #narendramodi #taylorlorenz #receptayyip #truthsocial #drewharwell #johncusack #jackdorsey #adamschiff #elonmusk #substack #linakhan #twitter #elonjet #doxing #xcorp #meta
#december2022twittersuspensions #twitterunderelonmusk #receptayyiperdogan #viewsofelonmusk #freedomofspeech #shadowbanning #mattyglesias #narendramodi #taylorlorenz #receptayyip #truthsocial #drewharwell #johncusack #jackdorsey #adamschiff #elonmusk #substack #linakhan #twitter #elonjet #doxing #xcorp #meta
Taylor Lorenz's unhinged attack on Owen Jones (of all people!), falsely claiming Jones to be "promoting Covid denialism" is the very height of irresponsible "journalism." Why hasn't Lorenz been fired from the Post? She must know where at least a few bodies are buried to tweet this irresponsibly and STILL keep her job. Lorenz's accusations are insane. Outright libel. Ben Montgomery was (wrongly) fired from Axios for a "transgression" that was considerably lesser!
#journalism #taylorlorenz #irresponsible
New from @taylorlorenz: An analysis by the Center for Countering Digital Hate estimates that the reinstatement of 10 previously-banned high profile Twitter accounts is producing enough engagement on the platform to generate $19 million in annual advertising revenue.
They found numerous advertisements from major brands appearing alongside controversial tweets from these extremist influencers.
#Twitter #Advertising #Brands #CCDH #Hate #Extremism #Moderation #ContentModeration #Tech #News #WaPost #WashingtonPost #TaylorLorenz
#twitter #advertising #brands #CCDH #hate #extremism #moderation #contentmoderation #tech #news #wapost #washingtonpost #taylorlorenz
I like your tags but I think that the audience is actually a bit wider. Great article though.
#TwitterMigration #TwitterBan #Censorship #TaylorLorenz #ChadLoder #TechDirt #MastodonFuture #Mastodon
#twittermigration #twitterban #censorship #taylorlorenz #chadloder #techdirt #MastodonFuture #mastodon
Media Draws Attention to Sam Bankman-Fried’s 2 Visits While on House Arrest - After FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) was released on bail and traveled to ... - #disgracedformerftxceo #majormoviecompanies #streamingcompanies #“bigshort”author #sambankman-fried #securitiesfraud #thenewyorkpost #ftxco-founder #pitchingabook #michaellewis #taylorlorenz #arraignment #bikiniphoto #articles
#articles #bikiniphoto #arraignment #taylorlorenz #michaellewis #pitchingabook #ftxco #thenewyorkpost #securitiesfraud #sambankman #streamingcompanies #majormoviecompanies #disgracedformerftxceo
The “creator economy” will be astroturfed » Nieman Journalism Lab
"We cannot allow rich and powerful creators to disguise themselves as grassroots or to seize power online in order to promote extremist ideology."
#journalism #Substack #TikTok #digitalmedia #corporatemedia #creators #podcasts #TaylorLorenz
#journalism #substack #tiktok #digitalmedia #corporatemedia #creators #podcasts #taylorlorenz
Gonna leave this here without comment except Taylor has been active for a couple of weeks now. If that.
#ElonMusk #Mastadon #AltTech #Musk #Twitter #TwitterCensorship #TaylorLorenz #Communism #Marx #KarlMarx #Marxism #Trump #Biden #truthsocial #GTTR #Parler #vexillology #flags #twittermigration #twitterexodus
#elonmusk #mastadon #alttech #musk #twitter #twittercensorship #taylorlorenz #communism #marx #karlmarx #marxism #trump #biden #truthsocial #gttr #parler #vexillology #flags #twittermigration #twitterexodus
There's no search function for free text. So you need to whack some # on.
#DeathPanelPodcast #Libs #Liberals #Democrats #LibsKilledMasks
#COVID19 #COVIDisAirborne #COVIDisReal #TaylorLorenz #Mask #MaskUp
Would be what I'd go with. I think it's important to curate and spread awareness of this.
#deathpanelpodcast #libs #liberals #democrats #libskilledmasks #COVID19 #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsReal #taylorlorenz #mask #MaskUp
#TaylorLorenz and #DrewHarwell, both excellent tech reporters who were both suspended from Musk’s Twitter over the last few days, have a more complete story of the stalker, including talking to the guy. And it’s pretty damn clear that it has literally nothing to do with the #ElonJet account
#taylorlorenz #drewharwell #elonjet
To keep the focus on #law: the ostensible (pretextual) reason Elon #Musk suspended @taylorlorenz appears to relate to her alleged "doxxing" of Ariadna Jacob, who's behind the far-right #LibsofTikTok account.
Jacob sued #TaylorLorenz and #NYT last year over their reporting on her. The district court dismissed the complaint for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, but allowed leave to amend.
A hearing on the case is scheduled for this Tuesday.
#law #musk #libsoftiktok #taylorlorenz #nyt #legal
From a jerk with a vision to just plain jerk:
#twitter #muskytwitter #taylorlorenz
I think people should follow you here, and I didn't even know you had an account. So if I tag this
#journalists #Censorship #TaylorLorenz #ElonMusk then people searching those topics will see that you're here.
Hope that helps!
#journalists #censorship #taylorlorenz #elonmusk
Hashtags are how people may find this. I'd suggest:
#Journalists #Censorship #ElonMusk #TaylorLorenz
#TwitterMigration #TwitterBan
and possibly #JuddLegum if you wish to "pointer" your work for archiving.
#journalists #censorship #elonmusk #taylorlorenz #twittermigration #twitterban #juddlegum
RT @upstractcom
Washington Post Reporter Asks Musk for Comment, Gets Banned From Twitter #jacob #substack #taylorlorenz #washingtonpost #mastodon #ariadnajacob
#ariadnajacob #mastodon #washingtonpost #taylorlorenz #substack #Jacob
@mastodonmigration May I also suggest:
#journalists #Censorship #ElonMusk #TaylorLorenz
For those who might otherwise miss the point? I can delete if annoying.
#journalists #censorship #elonmusk #taylorlorenz #whitesupremacist
Twitter sperrt erneut bekannte Journalistin - nach Tweet an Elon Musk - DER SPIEGEL #ElonMusk #RIPTwitter #WashingtonPost #TaylorLorenz
#taylorlorenz #washingtonpost #riptwitter #elonmusk
@taylorlorenz I think people are reacting and leaving Twitter. Might take a while.
Elon Musk banned me from Twitter
#elonmusk #twitter #taylorlorenz
Elon Musk Bans Twitter Account of Taylor Lorenz of Washington Post - Variety
#elonmusk #twitter #taylorlorenz