Ho appena finito di vedere la prima stagione (e forse unica) della serie Special OPS: #Lioness.
Un cast a dir poco stellare per un serie, ma devo dire fanno veramente la differenza il resto lo fa #TaylorSheridan.
Si tratta della ripetitiva (e purtroppo triste) solfa militarista in cui l'America come al solito decide chi è buono e chi è cattivo con il suo solito messaggio e retorica imperialista, ma ci sono scene scritte e dirette abbastanza bene, bisogna ammetterlo. [1/N]
Whoever buys the content from the #Paramount Network better lock up #TaylorSheridan. He is blazing hot right now.
#Yellowstone, MayorOfKingstown #TulsaKing, #WindRiver #Sicario, and currently #SpecialOpsLioness.
If Sicario was a streaming series (it's not), it would be #Lioness. That shizz is good.
#paramount #taylorsheridan #Yellowstone #TulsaKing #windriver #sicario #specialopslioness #lioness
My review of #SpecialOpsLioness, the new #ParamountPlus series from #TaylorSheridan, who has truly never met a Clichéd Female Character he didn't love. #ZoeSaldaña and #LayslaDeOliveira are good, tho. https://ew.com/tv/tv-reviews/special-ops-lioness-review-nicole-kidman-zoe-saldana-taylor-sheridan/
#laysladeoliveira #zoesaldana #taylorsheridan #paramountplus #specialopslioness
¿A quién se le puede ocurrir unir cowboys y mafiosos? "Tulsa king" #skyshowitme #TaylorSheridan
#TaylorSheridan says, "[I]f I have to check in creatively with others for a story I’ve wholly built in my brain, that would probably be the end of me telling TV stories.”
Most TV writing is collaborative. That collaboration improves stories. Yes, many TV writers dislike having to give up some of "their" stories. Sometimes they quit and become novelists, #SueGrafton, #RobertCrais...
#taylorsheridan #suegrafton #robertcrais
#blog #blogger #review #MovieReview #PrimeVideo #streaming #SicarioDayOfTheSoldado #film #cinema #movies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #JoshBrolin #BenicioDelToro #IsabelaMerced #TaylorSheridan #StefanoSollima
#blog #blogger #review #moviereview #primevideo #Streaming #sicariodayofthesoldado #film #cinema #movies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #joshbrolin #beniciodeltoro #isabelamerced #taylorsheridan #stefanosollima
De Yellowstone prequel 1893: Een mini-serie over de familie Dutton onderweg naar het westen. Voor de fans van westerns #pimvanofferen #yellowstone #1893 #taylorsheridan #prequelseries #ParamountPlus
#pimvanofferen #yellowstone #taylorsheridan #prequelseries #paramountplus
De Yellowstone prequel 1893: Een mini-serie over de familie Dutton onderweg naar het westen. Voor de fans van westerns #pimvanofferen #yellowstone #1893 #taylorsheridan #prequelseries #ParamountPlus
#pimvanofferen #yellowstone #taylorsheridan #prequelseries #paramountplus
#TaylorSheridan is a storyteller whose stories I want to live in. His eye for beauty is just exquisite. His nous for character is unparalleled in the medium he creates in. I began with #1923TV I'm now catching up with #1883TV This franchise is phenomenal.
#taylorsheridan #1923tv #1883tv
Taylor Sheridan zijn creaties doen het goed: Yellowstone is immens populair en terecht! Kevin Costner is enorm goed gecast, zie hoe hij zijn ranch runt. #pimvanofferen #yellowstone #taylorsheridan
#pimvanofferen #yellowstone #taylorsheridan
Wat als vanuit de gevangenis de gangs op straat worden gerund? Dan moet je bemiddelen! Dat doet Jeremy Renner op een bijzondere manier. Voor fans van actie en powerplays. #pimvanofferen #mayorofkingstown #jeremyrenner #taylorsheridan
#pimvanofferen #mayorofkingstown #jeremyrenner #taylorsheridan
#NicoleKidman is joining the cast of #TaylorSheridan's new #ParamountPlus series #Lioness, with the already announced #ZoeSaldaña and #LayslaDeOliveira. Kidman had been attached already as an executive producer. The series is based on a real life CIA program.
Try Paramount+ for free!
#nicolekidman #taylorsheridan #paramountplus #lioness #zoesaldana #laysladeoliveira
#1923tv Caught up with the first three episodes, and this series continues the quality writing/gorgeous cinematography/character development as the other two versions of this franchise. Combining history with family dynamics is always a winning combination. Mirren and Ford deliver as expected. #yellowstone #HelenMirren #harrisonford #taylorsheridan #montana #rangewars
#1923tv #yellowstone #helenmirren #harrisonford #taylorsheridan #montana #rangewars
"Yellowstone" and "1923" creator Taylor Sheridan has an odd process for casting his shows, one that surprised and confused Helen Mirren at first, but led to her starring role on "1923." https://www.hollywoodoutbreak.com/2022/12/30/the-odd-process-that-landed-helen-mirren-on-1923/
#HelenMirren #1923 #1923TV #Yellowstone #YellowstoneTV #TaylorSheridan #TV #TVNews #television #Celebritynews #entertainmentnews
#helenmirren #1923tv #yellowstone #yellowstonetv #taylorsheridan #TV #tvnews #television #celebritynews #entertainmentnews
New from Solzy at the Movies: 1923: Yellowstone Prequel Premieres On Paramount+
#1923 #1923Series #Yellowstone #TaylorSheridan #HarrisonFord #HelenMirren #TV #ParamountPlus #Western
#western #paramountplus #TV #helenmirren #harrisonford #taylorsheridan #yellowstone #1923series
Since #paramountplus
only sent one episode of #1923, I'm not reviewing it, but I can say I enjoyed the first episode, which is very #TaylorSheridan (people fighting over land, plus romance), though the CGI tiger was a bit of a surprise.
#taylorsheridan #paramountplus
Since #paramountplus
only sent one episode of #1923, I'm not reviewing it, but I can say I enjoyed the first episode, which is very #TaylorSheridan (people fighting over land, plus romance), though the CGI tiger was a bit of a surprise.
#taylorsheridan #paramountplus