Here is what #Quillette founder says about #TakeBackAlberta's upcoming fund raising event speaker, James Lindsay...
#Alberta #Edmonton #Calgary #TBA #ableg #abpoli #TBAPlatformsAntiSemites
#quillette #takebackalberta #alberta #edmonton #calgary #tba #ableg #abpoli #tbaplatformsantisemites #tbaplatformsracebaiters
In Alberta, TBA front group, #ParentsforChoiceinEducation uses the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Article 26.3 for its "authority" to impose their ideology on everyone else.
They seem to ignore pretty much all the other UDHR articles but I would really like to see one of them reconcile their actions with Article 30.
#parentsforchoiceineducation #alberta #ableg #abpoli #abed #pce #tba
Sunshine causes Alberta alt-right loonies to go even more batshit loony!
Check out the comments, #DavidParker unleashes his internet army.... GUFFAW!
#Alberta #ableg #abpoli #TakeBackAlberta #ParentsforChoiceinEducation
#TBA #PCE #AlbertaPolitics #DavidClimenhaga
#davidparker #alberta #ableg #abpoli #takebackalberta #parentsforchoiceineducation #tba #pce #albertapolitics #davidclimenhaga
* Unknown 19 ( #tba ???) - #Umineko
#currlisteningalcea #tba #umineko
Fuck you @ucpcaucus
The UCP-TBA government is responsible for:
- highest insurance rates ever
- highest utility rates ever
- highest gas prices ever
- highest inflation in Alberta history
- worst COVID repsonse in Canada
- worst recovery from COVID in Canada
#Alberta #abpoli #ableg #UCP #UnitedConservativeParty #TakeBackAlberta #TBA #15MiniuteCitiesComingForYOU
#alberta #abpoli #ableg #ucp #unitedconservativeparty #takebackalberta #tba #15miniutecitiescomingforyou #ifyouaintasleepyourewoke
The UCP-TBA government is responsible for:
- highest insurance rates ever
- highest utility rates ever
- highest gas prices ever
- highest inflation in Alberta history
- worst COVID repsonse in Canada
- worst recovery from COVID in Canada
#Alberta #abpoli #ableg #UCP #UnitedConservativeParty #TakeBackAlberta #TBA #15MinuteCitiesComingForYOU
#unitedconservativeparty #alberta #abpoli #ableg #ucp #takebackalberta #tba #ifyouaintasleepyourewoke #15minutecitiescomingforyou
#tba live @ #Hurricane
#Liveticker ends here
#nowplaying #tba #Hurricane #Liveticker
@bcinfo @thetyee #DanielleSmith as well as other #libertarians and #conservatives have only a surface connection to #AynRand’s ideas, and #Rand rejected them both.
• On libertarians:
• On conservatives:
• On the lack of difference between them and #liberals:
#ABpoli #CdnPoli #ABleg #ABelxn #Alberta #Canada #UCP #UnitedConservativeParty #TakeBackAlberta #TBA #NDP #NewDemocraticParty
#daniellesmith #libertarians #conservatives #aynrand #rand #liberals #abpoli #cdnpoli #alberta #canada #ucp #unitedconservativeparty #takebackalberta #tba #ndp #newdemocraticparty #ableg #abelxn
@jeremyappel1025 Thank FSM, what an embarassment that guy was. Not as much as the premier, but still.
This right here encapsulates #TBA perfectly. Van Huigenbos is a central TBA organizer (and facing charges re: Coutts blockade).
They’re a fascist group that don’t think Albertans deserve to know who they are and what they represent - only the carefully curated messaging.
#tba #abpoli #abelxn #NeverVoteConservative
This is a very thorough examination of the #UCP disinformation machine, and how it works towards suppressing any dissent. It will get even uglier under a govt led by Smith and #TBA.
JFC - #TBA is already gearing up for a violent response to a possible #NDP win in #abelxn … this isn’t just a little bit worrisome. Note the use of American iconography in the poster - this is far more dangerous than I think many realize. #abpoli #NeverVoteConservative
#tba #ndp #abelxn #abpoli #NeverVoteConservative
What will your party do right now to protect people from wildfires?
You know, since your party decimated Alberta's wildfire response capabilities.
#UnitedConservativeParty #UCP #Alberta #ableg #abpoli #teamtba #TakeBackAlberta #TBA
#unitedconservativeparty #ucp #alberta #ableg #abpoli #teamtba #takebackalberta #tba
@brianjeanab @albertapffpa Oh Brian, why doesn't your TBAUCP government support those heroes?
#UnitedConservativeParty #UCP #TakeBackAlberta #TBA #Alberta #abpoli #ableg
#unitedconservativeparty #ucp #takebackalberta #tba #alberta #abpoli #ableg
A few thoughts on the #TBA controlled #UCP in light of the #abelxn23 now underway.
Vote as if someone near you is going to be targeted by the TBA crowd ... because it will happen.