vruz · @vruz
666 followers · 7142 posts · Server mastodon.social

Quite amazing how the keyboard of the N-GO is laser engraved with the traditional ZX Spectrum commands and all. youtube.com/watch?v=aq-C4OdsbG

The N-GO by Manuferhi is a TBBlue-based computer, compatible with the ZX Spectrum Next, based on the same FPGA board by Victor Trucco.

More about the N-GO:

#ngo #tbblue #zxspectrum #zxspectrumnext #spectrumnext #speccy #retrocomputing

Last updated 2 years ago

vruz · @vruz
626 followers · 6292 posts · Server mastodon.social

Please consider this not an advertisement, but a public service alert for enthusiasts.

ZX alert: Next-compatible computers are available, based on the board by of Spain.

This is a Portuguese shop that assembles the N-GO boards with 48k cases and traditional rubber keyboards.

It also doesn't hurt that it costs about half as much as the Next.


#retrocomputing #spectrumnext #tbblue #ngo #manuferhi #speccy #zxspectrum

Last updated 2 years ago